
ZMC moot on sexual harassment policy

Harare- IN an effort to curb rampant sexual harassment of mostly female media practitioners in newsrooms, the Zimbabwe Media Commission(ZMC) has on Wednesday held a consultative workshop dissecting the integral part of the draft media sector sexual harassment policy ,Express Mail Zim can report.

The participants , led by Information minister Jenfan Muswere, debated on the validation of sexual harassment policy .

The policy mainly aims at harnessing violation against women in media although their male counterparts are also victims.

Last week, ZMC chairperson, Professor Magosvongwe raised concern on the rise in sexual harassment of women in the newsroom.

The policy under debate follows complaints raised by media practitioners whereby women were disgruntled against the rampant sexual harassment, especially of female interns in the hands of their male seniors.

“We are introducing a sexual harassment policy with the assistance of WAN-IFRA specifically for the media industry.

“We also propose a court specifically for the industry for violators such that there are no delays for prosecution.

“I urge women to come forward when they face such violations and no woman should suffer in silence,” said Magosvongwe.

Many female journalists have forced out of newsrooms due to sexual harassment and demand for ‘carpert interviews’ for elevation.

Recently, a senior official (name withheld) at ZBC was suspended amid allegations of demanding sexual favours by the victim.
Interestingly, the official in question has had three previous cases in three different organisations involving the amorous realm.

According to a 2020 research carried out by WAN-IFRA with focus on Zimbabwe and other African countries, 56 percent of women said they experienced verbal sexual harassment at least once while 38 percent stated they had experienced physical sexual harassment at least once.

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