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Zimbabwe Needs Political Stability In Order To Progress: UANC President Muzorewa

Story by Desire Tshuma

United African National Congress President Bishop Gwinyai Muzorewa on Thursday if there was political stability in the country Zimbabwe could a destination for international community including foreign investors and tourists.

Addressing journalists at Courtney hotel on Thursday, UANC President said if Zimbabweans begin to choose national pride , unity , peace, progress and prosperity can be achieved. President Gwinyai Muzorewa was accompanied by his deputy president Chief Nyathi who is based in Bulawayo where UANC vice president offices are .

” Politicians who disparage and despise their own country of birth beyond the borders are only interested in their personal welfare, not that of our country as a whole. We give their acts of immaturity and irresponsibility. Wisdom teaches us that as a sovereignty nation we can deal with our own unresolved issues here in Zimbabwe without outside interference ” said Muzorewa.

He went further and said since the ruling party has failed to resolve health care issues, unemployment, corruption, poverty, unaffordable education, infrastructure rehabilitation and political polarization issues for the past 43 years, the nation’s hope is for all of us to unite and reason together.

” In our pursuit of national unity , we need national healing or reconciliation, there are two dimensions of national healing, spiritual and physical. In each case certain rituals must be performed if we expect real change that brings real unity nationwide ” added Muzorewa.

“Political polarization has caused hundreds and thousands to be disenchanted with the political situation in the country .Unemployment, tribalism, regionalism or paternalism, corruption and nepotism will not just disappear as President Mnangagwa seems to presume ” said Muzorewa.

In his 2017 inauguration speech, President Dr Emmerson Mnangagwa said ” I , thus , humbly appeal to all of us , that we let bygones be bygones “, referring to the violence ZANU PF had done to sections of our society , including Gukurahundi massacre, 2008 pain , torture and killings . He minimized the pain and suffering as something that could just go away. ” What Remains is true actual spiritual healing, unfortunately, distribution of vehicles and cash to chiefs is only soothing not healing. The UANC party which value spiritual healing, will set up a spiritual healing operation through appropriate rituals not single handed but as a nation ” concludes Muzorewa.

President Dr Gwinyai Muzorewa is a brother of the late Bishop Abel Muzorewa who ruled the country shortly in 1979. He did his studies in the United States of America where he got his PHD in theology. He contested as a presidential candidate in the 2023 elections.

He is promising the nation that if he is voted into the office in the 2028 elections , Zimbabwe will go back to the status where the late President Mugabe inherited .

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