
ZB in quandary over hiring an IT consultant with a chequered history

Harare- ZB Financial Holdings Group is in a quandary and at pains to explain why they neglected to conduct due diligence and hired an IT consultant with a chequered history ,Express Mail Zim can report.
The organisation engaged the services of controversial ICT consultant Dennis Magaya of Rubiem Consulting to supritend the digital revolution programme that will see a new operating model dubbed ‘ ONE DIGITAL ZB’.
The group chief executive Shepherd Fungura said the digital revolution and ICT overhaul was neccesesitated by the need of delivering convenience and increased value to its customers. However, the cherry-picking of Magaya was questioned by some stakeholders with fears that given the company (Rubiem)
‘s record which is littered with controversy, the new operating system may actually cost the financial institution more through constant maintenance. “It is clear that there was no due diligence conducted in the tappointment of Rubiem.
” The company is known for breaching tender procedures,with the Powertel case easily coming to mind.
“If it was in the court of law ,he (Magaya) will be approaching the court with dirty hands.
“How secure is the new operating system is an issue of major concern?
” Management must explain whether they followed due process in this appointment,” said a stakeholder who spoke on condition of anonymity.
In 2014, Magaya and his company were accused of being engaged by Powertel Communications without following due process. He was appointed as a strategic expert earning over US$ 500 000 per year. He also holds a record of being the shortest serving board chair of the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC), after the then Information minister Jonathan Moyo relinquished him of his post within 24 hours. This ‘feat’ can only be rivalled by former Industry and Commerce minister Nkosana Moyo who served in that portfolio(as minister) for less 10 months.
When reached for comment, ZB corporate communications manager Esther Toto failed to explain the circumstances surrounding Magaya’s hiring and asked this reporter to communicate via email.
We duly complied but she had not responded at the time of writing. Efforts to contact Magaya also hit a snag as his mobile phone went unanswered for the better half of the week,while he did not respond to a message sent to his mobile phone.

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