
ZB digital One-Stop-Shop: A transformation that will rock the market

Over the past eleven months ZB Group has been involved in a transformational journey, the first of its kind in Africa, that is earmarked to bring value to their clients.

Launching its One-Digital ZB initiative, the Group has brought together services such as banking, insurance and investment management under one roof- all this aimed at improving service delivery as well as providing an excellent customer experience.

The unique thing about this is that the customer in the service centre will not be sent from pillar to post for all the business units requirements. But a client will get all the services from just one consultant they meet.

The organizational transformation has also seen the repositioning of the brand to enhance its visibility and the creation of service centres across the country so as to give quality service to its clients.

ZB Group has also launched a virtual service centre where clients can access everything, from banking, insurance, investment services to general inquiries over their mobile phones.

In an interview the ZB Group Chief Executive Officer Shepherd Fungura said the recent digital development is poised to transform the financial services in the country.

“This is the first of its kind, not only in Zimbabwe. The digital transformation will disrupt market rules,” he said.
“It is a futuristic market positioning angle that is in line with modern trends the world over. As the world changes, ZB cannot be left behind.”

The Group’s Chief customer experience officer Brilliant Shumba also weighed in saying: “Our digital transformation, One-Digital ZB, is an innovative, impactful game-changer that puts the customer at the centre.”

“Our virtual platform has made the banking experience a joyful one because our clients technically have a bank in their pocket. One can do everything in the comfort of their homes or offices via the virtual service centre.”

Shumba also opined that “generally where digital transformation take solace companies start with deploying mobile applications and changing the front end, however with the ZB Group its the other way round, transformation started with the core of the business model.”

“This creates sustainable business value when digital technology is eventually added to the front,” he said.

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