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Zanu PF youth league boss Sakupwanya sucked in rigging storm

Manicaland- Zanu PF YOUTH league boss Stanley Sakupwanya was on Sunday caught with over 2000 ballots papers Sakupwanya that had been voted already

He is fighting for the youth quota slot against Dunmore Mambondiani, was allegedly found with ballot papers even for zanu pf manicaland provincial youth chairman caught cheating

Being assisted by the Zanu- PF acting provincial political commissar, Albert Nyakuedzwa, Sakupwanya was found with marked ballot papers for both of them.

Nyakuedzwa is fighting to take over from Makoni South MP Misheck Mataranyika.
“They were found with marked ballot papers in a truck in Nyazura and the youths wrestled against them and their teams until the ballot papers were taken away. A case was opened at Nyazura Police Station under RRB number RRB 5405812,”said a source who witnessed the fracas.

Zanu PF was over the weekend holding primary elections to chose candidates to represent the party for the forthcoming general elections.
A number of senior party heavy weights lost the primary polls and some had to use violence against their opponents.
The youth quota was recently introduced to promote the participation of young people in mainstream politics and they will be elected on proportional representation.
Sakupwanya was trailing Mambondiani who is the national youth member. He had to employ unorthodox means to take the seat away but this was stopped by alert youths.
“They were using a vehicle registration number AFU 7085 belonging to Albert Nyakwedzwa. in that car was Noreen Chipunza married to One Sydney Muzambi from makoni district in her early 30s,” the source said
Those who caught the team trying to rig the internal polls include Fungai Nehanda and Kenneth Chaparapata. The ballot papers were supposed to be voted at Mukamba Primary school polling in ward 28 of Makoni South Constituency in Makoni District,” the source said

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