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Zanu PF aligned cleric Musindo arrested over US$6k cellphones debt

Harare- ZANU PF aligned cleric and founder of Destiny for Africa Obadiah Musindo is in the eye of a storm following a US$6 000 debt that he owes a cellphone dealership known as Brian Cellphones, Express Mail Zim can report.

Musindo was nabbed by police Monday after the dealership’s representative identified only as Brian filed a police report.

Musindo allegedly took 10 top of the range mobile phones and pampered his girlfriends promising to settle Brian Cellphones company in a period of one month.

When he defaulted ,he allegedly told Brian that he was waiting for a payment from President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

It is not clear why he name dropped Mnangagwa ‘s name but sources say that has become his habit.

“Brian was not amused that Musindo was dragging the good name of the President into the mud and he had to file a police report.

“He had to seek help from some ruling party officials but it did not yield results.

“He was angry and opened a case at Harare Central Police station,” said our source.

Musindo could not be reached for comment as his mobile phone went unanswered at the time of writing Wednesday.

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