
Weekly Kingdom Devotions…

…With Honest Mundondo

God created each one of us with pure intentions, uniqueness and a Godly character that you cannot match or find in two people.

The fact that we are different, it means that every one of us plays an important role in this life. We all bring different colours and shades that paints this life beautiful and colourful.

Last week, we spoke about the power of confession and the greatness that is within You. Once You believe that all things are possible, this greatness will manifest into desired expectations.

Never underestimate the spirit of God in You and the power of creation that You carry. There are things in this life that makes us inferior to the world and sometimes we tend to forget our identity as children of God but let me assure you that there is absolutely nothing that God can not do for You.

Most of us we had plans and resolutions for the year and yet, not much has been accomplished. There are some who had big plans for their businesses, some were expecting marriage, and some are still waiting on God to give them children, but God has great plans for each one of us and He decides the time for everyone.

Others work so hard, and they are persistent and committed in their work but there is no desired improvement or results, some have lost hope and and have shifted focus to other things and beliefs and yet things are still not working.

There are circumstances and situations that are caused because of doubt. The fact that it didn’t work out as you expected, it doesn’t mean You cannot try again. Failing is not Failure, but it is a learning curve which might be also a way to Gods will and blessings.

In Africa, most people have the attitude of prayer but without tangible results. My challenge are results. After prayer sessions and all_night prayers we need results but doubt has given way to unanswered prayers.

They are persistent in prayer, they pray for big opportunities, big business deals but when God opens doors they start to doubt if the opportunities and options are genuine or real.

This has caused many people to believe about God and His power but they cannot contain what God can do or perform in their lives.

Although prayer might points us to such things, You must always be vigilant and be careful before You decide or make rushed decisions.

I have learnt that most Christians are ignorant to tha Law, they dont find time to read, learn and understand even the constitution that governs the laws of this country but can believe in greater things that might lead them to Jail.

In as much as we believe in God, lets be watchful, lets gain knowledge about God and the things of this world that we might not also fall into the traps of the devil.

Whatever You had written as your desired expectations for this year, my friend, God can do anything. God is current. Gods word word is current and his reply is instant. Be encouraged in the Lord and believe that all things are possible.

As we start this week, May God’s Grace be upon You All.


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