
Weekly Kingdom Devotion

By Honest Mundondo

There are certain characteristics that are natural and easily identified when someone is rich, lacking or poor. Most people when they don’t have anything to offer or give they tend to be humble, very prayerful, can be good listeners and sometimes obedient and loyal.

They can practice these virtues until they get where they want in Life or when they are constantly satisfied with their needs and wants but may also fail to maintain what made them to reach a certain level they desired.

A close colleague once said, “Character can be birthed or groomed through the means of a lifestyle or background.The way you live and what you may have accomplished can also determine your character and how you relate with others.”

Everyone in this life desires a good lifestyle. We all want the good side of life and every advantage it may bring but our character may have caused us to enjoy or lose the good benefits of it.

A good lifestyle gives people personal freedom, space and time to options and opportunities but as many of us have been blessed and given so much by God, we forget the real reason for our blessings.

As a child of God, I believe that as each day passes, Life gives us a chance to move to another level of life stage by stage through the knowledge and Wisdom of God.

I believe that God is our only source of everything that we want and what we desire yet it might not always be the case but God prepares everyone for a perfect time.

What strengthens us as we go through situations of life is the knowledge of the word God and the wisdom that comes when you know Him.

God will prepare You for every stage of life as You grow in Him. This is why we dont get the same blessings at the same time and this doesn’t test how anointed we are but how much we know Him.

As you build a good character in Him, He will start to show his greatest through You. Believe His word and exercise your Faith.

May this week bring favourable experiences and moments for His Glory in Your Life.


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