
Weekly Devotions..

By Honest Mundondo

Thank God its another week as we continue to learn and attain wisdom about Gods’ love and His perfect plans for us All.

As I have alluded in the past devotions, it is very easy to enjoy life but mostly it is important that you create a relationship with God. Everything and Anything we desire is in the Kingdom of God;
Once you repent and become a child of God it means you have been given access to become a custodian of the spiritual world.

As much as we have believed that we will enjoy life in heaven, it has to start here on earth. It must be a continued lifestyle and a cycle of Good living, Happiness, Peace and Joy in Christ.

We can spend much time and years talking about our inheritance in the Kingdom of God and having access to everything that we want but it has to start by accepting Jesus Christ in your life.

One time someone approached me and said, everything that you write about christianity and the benefits of being children of God we dont see it manifest in most believers yet these things must be a sign for non_believers to come to Christ.

I was very comfortable in my reply and I told them that God does things in his own time, All the promises in his word which are meant for His children they will surely come to pass but only if they have a deeper understanding and a deeper relationship with God.

It means there are people who are waiting to see the manifestation of the children of God yet most Christians are living in thier comfort zones all in the name of being “Christians.”

Christianity is a warfare, although we are fighting a defeated devil, he keeps making people lose their Faith and Hope but at any cost, dont lose your Faith because Godly things come to those who believe.

It is very difficult especially during faithless moments and situations to pray but you cant lose your Faith. The word of God says; The Just Shall live by Faith, which makes Faith the most crucial tool in any spiritual battle or circumstance, we overcome by Faith.

Economically everyone is going through a rough patch and even in this year without the rains, without a meaningful income and increase in pricing of basic commodities, I urge you to stay in the word of God.

God is current, he knows everything that is happening even in this nation, we cannot lose our faith. Things will get better and things will shape_up but only if we believe and have hope for tommorrow.

Whatever you are going through do not allow the devil to put wrong ideas in your mind. Do not allow yourself to overthink and react especially to things you cannot change but may the spirit of God guide you and open more opportunities for the sake of His Glory.

Most importantly I urge you to pray.
When you are not well, Pray!
When you are confused, Pray!
When you are in debts, Pray!
When you feel weak, Pray!
When you are Happy, Pray!
When you want to Travel, Pray!
When you are at work, Pray!
When you are not sure, Pray!
When you need guidance, Pray!

Just Pray!
May this week bring Hope and Goodness in your life, remove doubt and fear and engage in prayer and reading more of God’s word.
Have a blessed week.

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