
Weekly Devotion:How to attract The Heart of God

By Honest Mundondo

This week, I want to talk about a very important and broad topic that is crucial for today’s world and that leads to the supernatural manifestation of God’s blessings both in the physical and spiritual world.

Everyday; everywhere, people are looking for solutions to things of this world whilst others are turning against God to trusting and believing false doctrinal teachings contrary to the word of God.

When God created the universe, but for a specific reason, He gave Men power over every other creation on earth and the authority to subdue it, to be fruitful and prosperous and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving on earth.

Men was given Knowledge and Wisdom for ideas to survive, plans to expand and to be fruitful , to invent and to create, the power to name and rename things, but above all , He (God) also gave men the power to Bless and to curse.

I’m not going to talk much about the ‘curse’ although most Christians have become ‘curse oriented’ which has made people to become ignorant of the word of God.

The wave of false and weird doctrinal teachings has brought many people to believing that they live under a curse, and that they have to fight everyday in prayer against evil spirits and spiritual attacks that continue to manifest physically because they have given room to demons to terrorize their mindset.

We have lost our identity in Christ and we continue to lose God’s blessings because we are doing the opposite of what is required by the word of God.

At one point, I believed that people in the bible lived a righteous life but through revelation I began to realise that most of them were sinners than most of us, but they knew how to move the heart of God through repentance and fellowship with God.

Most of us today, we dont have enough time and space to pray, we are far from God and we have lost the zeal to attract his attention.
We continue to prioritize things of this earth and we struggle because we interfere with His plans for our lives.

The reason why we face resistance and closed doors is because we are not consistent and continuous in prayer. Although some can pray but their prayers have become powerless because their hearts are full of sin.

You can not attract the heart of God if you’re a sinner.
You can not win God’s heart if you can not love your enemies.
You can not expect the blessings of God if you dont have Faith.
You can not get God’s attention if You can not Trust his Word.
You can not enjoy the Kingdom of God if you’re disobedient to His Word
And above all, You can not move God’s heart if your heart is not pure.

God loves a pure heart and we limit his manifestation by the state of our heart and the secret to his presence is a genuine Heart.

The Heart is the mainstream that leads to the roots of the Kingdom of God. If anything, guard your heart jealously with selflessness, with humility, integrity and Thanksgiving.

I have just introduced this topic and next week by God’s Grace, I will outline the basics to attract God’s blessings and the heart of God.

Be Blessed.

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