
Weekly Devotiona:How to attract the Heart of God (The Series)

By Honest Mundondo

As we continue to learn and understand basic principles from the Bible about how to attract God’s heart, I realised that there are certain individuals whom were firmly rooted in the ministry and had an intense fellowship with God which seemingly made them to be favoured, victorious and had such significant breakthroughs.

This is because they had an understanding which corresponded well with God’s will. I will mention few individuals and I hope this article will bring much wisdom to You and align you to God’s will upon your Life.

His heart was full of Trust. He knew that God could do anything. Even when he faced difficult situations, David trusted with his heart. The reason why he faced the giant Goliath and killed him, David knew that his backup was mightier and greater in battle.

Sometimes we face difficult situations and sometimes the most painful moments and we forget that there is God who can do much more, we limit God’s power and we continue to suffer because we are not aligned to His will.

I want to encourage You today, put your Trust in God. Do not limit what he can do. Whatever that you are going through, maybe financially, a health condition, poverty, sickness, be assured that in Him (God) there is everything and much more.

A man of Faith.
Faith can move you closer to God.
It causes the impossible to happen.
It will change what people think its unchangeable.
It will give you access to your future.
It will make you overcome the most difficult challenges.
it will unlock blessings from the spiritual realm.
Faith is the key to things that you hope for and without faith You are not pleasing before God.

Abraham believed God that he would have a son with Sarah, and through faith, Isaac was born. It doesn’t cost anything to believe God for a miracle, Infact when You have Faith, God can do anything for You. His heart is moved and you attract his favor only if you believe in Him.

Abraham became a father of nations. He was blessed and favoured. He became successful in everything. He had wealth and was rich in livestock, it was bacause of his faith, he attracted Gods heart.

Believe his word and you shall also be established.

He was a man of Love.
Joseph reflected God’s heart when he saved his entire family and his brothers who had sold him because of hatred. Sometimes we give reasons and attitude to people because of things they have done to us, yet as God loved us and has forgiven, we should also reflect the same.

As a child of God;
Learn to love your enemies.
Be good to those who are doing bad to You.
Pray for those who persecute You,
Do not judge people, but have knowledge and wisdom that God will avenge on your behalf.

As you show love to people, God will also arrange your life to save your family and even the world as he did to Joseph. If you are going to attract God’s blessings, walk in love, do not hurt or hate;

Learn to give to the poor, widows and the orphans. Be the reason for people’s happiness, above all, Learn to share the love of God to others. Through You may people know about the love of God.

By God’s Grace next week we will continue with our series and we will be by guided by individuals from the Bible as we continue to learn and focus on how to attract the heart of God.

Be Blessed.

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