
Weekly Devotion…..

By Honest Mundondo

This week’s devotion is hinged on the following scriptures:
• 1 Samuel 7
• Jeremiah 49
• Colossians 3

Jeremiah 49, we encounter a prophecy of destruction and exile, which could easily bring despair and uncertainty, however, amidst this foretelling, God assures His people of restoration.

He declares, “Yet in the latter days, I will restore the fortunes of Elam.” This powerful verse instils hope and establishes faith in God’s promise of a brighter future.

It reminds us that even amid challenging times, God’s plans extend beyond our present circumstances.

1 Samuel 7, we witness a pivotal moment in the history of Israel. Samuel, the prophet and judge, led the people to turn back to the Lord and renounce their idol worship.

As a symbol of their commitment and a reminder of God’s faithfulness, Samuel set up a stone between Mizpah and Shen, naming it Ebenezer, meaning “Thus far the Lord has helped us.”

This act of setting up a stone represented the establishment of faith in God’s help and deliverance. It provided the Israelites with a tangible reminder of God’s faithfulness, giving them a sense of direction and stability.

In Colossians 3, the writer encourages believers to live a life centred around Christ. He urges them to do all things in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father.

This verse emphasizes the establishment of faith by acknowledging God’s role in every aspect of life.
It compels us to live in awareness of God’s presence.
It emphasises the idea of establishing our faith by working wholeheartedly for the Lord, recognizing that our efforts hold significance beyond human recognition.

As we embark on new month and the final half of 2024, let us carry the lessons of these verses with us.

Let us hold onto the assurance of restoration in difficult times, just as God promised in his word.

Let’s pray that we get established in all facets of our lives, knowing that our faith in God’s guidance, restoration, and purpose brings stability and direction to our lives.

Take a moment now to reflect on these verses and pray. Ask God to strengthen your faith, to establish you in His will, and to guide you in all that you do.

May we find true stability and direction as we enter in the last few months of the year.


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