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US based author Cee Jay Besa set to invest in education sector

Florida- UNITED States based author and Information technology specialist Cee Jay Besa is set to invest in the education sector and build an institution in Mashonaland Central, Express Mail Zim can report.

Cee Jay who is basking in the glory of his self development book “Becoming the Ceo of your Life” , told Express Mail Zim that he has secured land in Madziva for the construction.

“We will build an academy that has both primary and high school ,this will allow students to avoid travelling miles on foot daily to get to school as they are few schools in the area,” he said .

Cee Jay first mooted this idea to this reporter over 10 years ago as he prepared for his World Cup tour and his words are coming into full circle .

The author majored in Computer Science and is a Software Engineer and he said the world has become so interconnected, not only in social media but in business, banking and other sectors.

” Our desire would be to create a school that has a curriculum leaning towards IT and teaching young people how to code and become involved in the world of IT from an early age, we believe that the future is in technology and this is the time now to invest in our youth and prepare them for such a future.
“Wouldnt it be wonderful for our cyber security to be implemented and executed by Zimbabwean educated and trained youths? ” he said.

“That is why we desire to invest in the youth today because we recognize that if you want to invest in the future you don’t only invest in infrastructure but in children.
“In my industry I get to meet many global business leaders and one of them said to me, If any of my employees approaches me with an idea, the only way that idea would impress me is if it has a 100 year plan. I started understanding right away the value of Vision and the ability to see a future that others can not see yet,” he added.

He said he is complementing government efforts to improve the education sector.

Above all Cee Jay says he wants to empower the community with practical skills that can help Zimbabwean youth compete internationally without ever leaving Zimbabwe.

” I have worked with many engineers from other countries and noted that the countries they originated from invested heavily in tech learning some years ago and now they provide the labour for many leading Tech firms in the world.

The Mbare bred author says he is in consultation with traditional leaders in the area where he intends to construct the school.

Below is a link to Cee Jay’s intiative to empower the education sector.

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