
Unity is the only panacea for national development

Ask what you can do for your country not what the country can do for you

Opinion by Francis Naboth Musanhi

LAST year was a hard one for ordinary Zimbabweans and the global economy but the Second Republic ubder the able leadership of President Mnangagwa managed to put policies that cushioned the challenges.

In 2024 there is need of unity of purpose for our nation to move forward along with achieving Vision 2030.

I always refer to a sad image shot in Japan in the aftermath of the Hiroshima bombing.

I have delinerately used the picture as the signature image of my opinion piece and it is of a young boy carrying his dead brother on his back during the catastrophic war that had destroyed the Japanese towns of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The tale goes like this:

A soldier noticed the Japanese boy carrying his dead brother on his back and asked him to throw away the dead body so that he would not get tired.

The boy replied that he was not heavy ,he was his brother.

The solider understood and broke in tears as the words “he ia not heavy,he is my brother” made high amount of decibels in his mind.

That is the spirit that I pray f9r Zimbabwe in 2024 and the nation can this progressive spirit can rebuild our society from churches,families,political activists, and the whole nation at large .

If the nation can embrace the same spirit that brother and sisters can pick up one another in times of problems and find the path then there is absolutely no need for outsiders to make us well.

We need a home grown solution to subside political turbulences, family squabbles,church denominational rifts and so forth.

Why do we always prefer external advice with strings attached?

Reconciliation after the Second Chimurenga war was a bitter pill to swallow but we forced it down our throat and made the nation well.

The establishment of a united national force of members who could not see eye to eye was another bitter concoction but it had gone down the throat and healed all the wounds from the war.

As Zimbabweans in 2024, we need better thinking and and self belief.

Lets not ask what our country cqn do for us ,but what we can do for our country.

With the heavy rains,Zimbabwe will retain the title of been the bread basket of the region.

Francis Naboth Musanhi writes in his own capacity as a patriotic citizen and political analyst.

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