
Unholy Alliance?- Rapper Holy Ten accused of consulting sangomas to get famous

Harare- His stage name is Holy Ten ,but it appears the talented rapper has an ‘unholy relationship’ with local clergymen!

The wordsmith recently had shots aimed at him by flamboyant prophet Passion Java in a song called Munomudarirei wherein Java mocks him over alleged indefinitely committed by his girlfriend Kimberly Richards with a former University of Zimbabwe students’ union leader, supposedly at a Harare hotel.

Passion teamed up with DJ Towers and used ‘poetic licence’ to tear into Holy Ten without categorically stating his name.
Barely a week after Java unleashed ‘weapons of mass destruction’ on the rapper,a South African based prophet and self confessed former occultist Jay Israel Senior accuses him (Holy Ten) of engaging the services of sangomas to seek fame and fortune.

In a forty- nine seconds long video, Jay Israel made sensational claims that he spotted Holy Ten at a sangoma’s shrine seeking supernatural powers to up his game. He singled out the creative rapper among other local musicians he promised to divulge in due course.

“Very soon we will be giving out a list of the musicians who are part of the cult.
“It’s very dissapointing to know that there are musicians who go for power and rituals and use those rituals online (sic) to gain attention and popularity to sell their music.
“To my Zimbabwean brothers,one of the people I actually saw in one of these cults is Holy Ten, a very young guy from Zimbabwe and I was very dissapointed that he is one of these musicians who look for power and whatever, but soon it is going to come out anyway, it is going to come, wait for it….” he said in apparent reference to more musicians on his list which he promised to prove.

At the time of writing Holy Ten was unavailable to give his right to respond despite of relentless efforts to get hold of him.

Ironically,in June this year, a top South African tabloid Daily Sun, reported that Jay Israel confessed to have been part of an occult to gain fame and supernatural powers.

He allegedly detailed the confession in a series of videos about how he was expected to do dark things in order to gain status.

He shared that out of three options, he chose to marry a mermaid who came to him once a year to sleep with him in his dreams.
The Daily Sun further reported that the man of God also went into detail about how he had to care for the mermaid and how he was also part of a cult.

He was also asked to sleep with a married woman and Express Mail Zim understands on good authority that he had a romantic affair with a now South African based local businesswoman (name withheld).

At the material time she had separated with her husband but the marriage was still legally subsisting.

The eyebrow-raising testimony about his past dark world qualifies him to possess a ticture of knowledge regarding identities of former compatriots, but in the video gleaned by Express Mail Zim, there was no emprical evidence that pins Holy Ten into occultism except for his word of mouth.

This publication’s efforts to get in touch with him proved fruitless for the whole week .
However, in previous interviews with this reporter ,he revealed that he got the prophetic powers at the age of 9 in Bulawayo before he then started a church in Harare in his early 20s then known only as prophet Jacob.

In his stint in Harare ,he managed to invite several foreign investors to his church.
Upon relocation to South Africa, he led a big church in the Eastern Cape province.

What however boggles the mind is the timing of his ‘diss’ on Holy Ten barely a week after his erstwhile friend Java also took a jab on the young rapper.
This coincidence gave rise to several conspiracy theories including one suggesting that the development might be a well calculated marketing gimmick for all parties.

Fire Emoji hitmaker Brian Jeck was of the view that it was a bid to rescuscitate Holy Ten’s latest album that suffered a stillbirth. “Holy Ten and Passion Java are manufacturing marketing strategies. Holy Ten’s recent album flopped. They know each other. It’s just a way to bring back Holy Ten into the limelight.
“Holy Ten recently came to Kadoma for a show with Kimberly,” he was quoted as saying.
Could this be an ‘unholy alliance’?….Only God knows since the triangle involves two clergmen and a gifted rapper!

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