
The Heart of True Sustainability Leadership: Beyond Grand Gestures

By Edwell Maposa

Sustainability leadership is more than just a buzzword. It’s a fundamental shift in how organizations operate, requiring a deep-rooted commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles.

While grand gestures often grab headlines, the true essence of sustainability leadership lies in the everyday actions and long-term vision of those at the helm.

The imperative of corporate sustainability leadership transcends conventional leadership. It necessitates a collective effort within organizations, fostering long-term thinking, innovation, and collaboration.

This collaborative approach integrates environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles into core business
strategies and decision-making. This fundamental shift ensures a future-proofed organization that thrives in
today’s environmentally and socially conscious landscape.

A sustainable leader is a visionary, strategist, and systems thinker who understands the intricate interplay
between people, planet, and profit. They foster a culture of innovation and continuous improvement, where
sustainability is woven into the fabric of the organization. This holistic approach ensures that the company
not only survives but thrives in a world increasingly defined by environmental and social challenges.

It involves:
• Encouraging a culture of sustainability
• Setting goals and targets for ESG performance
• Developing and implementing sustainable strategies and practices
• Engaging stakeholders and building partnerships
• Measuring and reporting progress towards sustainability goals
• Continuously improving and innovating sustainable practices

At the heart of sustainability leadership lies a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of our world
where environmental, social, and economic challenges are inextricably linked.

A sustainability leader
recognizes that positive action in one area can ripple through the system, bringing about positive
externalities in others. Conversely, inaction or unsustainable practices in one area can lead to cascading
negative impacts across the environmental, social, and economic spheres. This interconnectedness
necessitates a holistic approach that considers the long-term viability of our planet and its inhabitants

Key Qualities that Define Sustainability Leader:
• Sustainably Visionary: They paint a compelling picture of a sustainable future and inspire others to take
action. A sustainability visionary leader can inspire and motivate others to work towards a common goal
of creating a better future for all. She/he can see the possibilities and opportunities in a sustainable
future and can communicate that vision in a way that is compelling and inspiring to others.

• Sustainability Strategic thinking: This is a leader whose approach to planning and decision-making
considers the long-term impacts of actions being taken on the environment, society, and the economy
and integrates ESG considerations into core business strategies, creating long-term value.
• Systems Thinking: Understanding the interconnectedness of social, environmental, and economic
• Long-term perspective: A sustainability leader takes a long-term view when making decisions,
considering the potential impacts on the environment, society, and the organization’s success.

Considering the potential consequences of decisions over years or even decades. This perspective involves thinking ahead, prioritizing durability (investing in initiatives that drive lasting impact), embracing continuity (ensuring progress continues beyond their tenure), fostering a legacy mindset
(empowering team members to think about their legacy), and valuing intergenerational impact
(decision-making that benefit both current and future generations)

• Holistic approach: Balancing financial, social, and environmental considerations to create value for all
• Innovation and creativity: Seeking new and better ways to achieve sustainability goals.
• Continuous learning: Staying up-to-date with the latest sustainability trends, research, and best
• Integration: Incorporating sustainability into all aspects of the organization, rather than treating it as a
separate initiative.
• Transparency: They communicate ESG performance openly and honestly, building trust and

Sustainability leadership is not about grand gestures; it is about the everyday choices we make.

It is about fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement, where every employee feels empowered to
contribute. By embracing sustainability leadership, businesses can unlock a wealth of opportunities. They
can attract and retain top talent, build brand loyalty, and gain a competitive edge in the marketplace. More
importantly, they can contribute to a more just and equitable world for generations to come.

Exposing Green washing on Sustainable Leadership Claim

Fortunately, consumers and activists have tools to expose green washing. Here’s how:

Scrutinize Claims: Look for vague or unsubstantiated claims. Do the company’s sustainability efforts

align with their core business practices?

Research Certifications: Look for credible third-party certifications that verify a company’s sustainability practices.

Demand Transparency: Ask companies for detailed information on their environmental impact and social responsibility efforts.

Support Investigative Journalism: Look for investigative reports that expose green washing practices.

By holding companies accountable for their sustainability claims, we can create a more transparent marketplace and empower consumers to make informed choices.

The Everyday Actions of True Sustainability Leaders

Beyond the boardroom, sustainability leadership is also about personal responsibility. Everyday choices, from transportation to consumption, can significantly impact the environment. True leaders embody these values in their personal lives, inspiring others to follow suit. Here are some everyday actions of Sustainability


Embrace Eco-Friendly Commuting

Use public transport, walk, or bike whenever possible

Consider electric or hybrid vehicles for personal use

Reduce Energy Consumption

Turn off lights, electronics, and appliances when not in use

Use energy-efficient LED bulbs and appliances

Conserve Water

Take shorter showers and fix leaks to save water

Install low-flow fixtures and grey water systems.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Minimize single-use plastics and choose reusable products

Repurpose items like bags, containers, and paper

Recycle as much as possible, including paper, plastic, glass, and metal

Eat Sustainably

Choose locally sourced, seasonal, and plant-based foods.

Reduce food waste by planning meals and using up leftovers

Support Sustainable Brands

Research companies’ environmental policies and practices.

Choose products and services from sustainable and responsible brands

Educate and Inspire Others

Share knowledge and ideas with friends, family, and community

Encourage others to adopt sustainable practices.

Continuously Learn and Improve

Stay updated on environmental issues and sustainable technologies

Reflect on personal impact and set goals for continuous improvement

By incorporating these actions into daily life, Sustainability Leaders demonstrate their commitment to protecting the environment and inspiring others to do the same.


True sustainability leadership is more than just a title; it’s a call to action. It demands a profound commitment to environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and economic viability. These leaders are the architects of a future where prosperity and planetary health coexist in harmony. Their influence ripples through organizations, communities, and societies, inspiring a collective shift toward sustainable practices. As we navigate an increasingly complex world, the need for such leadership is paramount. By embodying sustainability in their actions and decisions, these leaders illuminate a path toward a resilient and equitable.

future for all.

The journey towards a sustainable world begins with individuals. Let us all aspire to be part of this

transformative movement, contributing to a legacy of care for our planet and its inhabitants.

Let us all strive to be True Sustainability Leaders, creating a brighter and sustainable future for all.

Edwell Maposa (LLB, LLM, (LLD, Doctoral Researcher on Sustainability, ESG, and Mining law)

Legal Advisor/Mining & Minerals Law / Human Rights/Sustainability & Social Justice/Arbitration/Business Law/Corporate Rescue/Cyber security/Board Member


Edwell Maposa is the Managing Consultant of a Sustainability, ESG consulting firm in the Extractive Industry sector. He is also a Law lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe. This article represents his personal opinions and insights based on his expertise.

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