
TEM Foundation breathing empowering children

THERE’S nothing more beautiful than the way a child believes the biggest dreams, the most outlandish endeavours and the truest intentions are all possible.

But childhood can be a fragile thing, and too many children are robbed of this basic freedom, education, normal life and their innocence.

But thanks to TEM Foundation founded by philanthropist, marketer and businesswomen Tsuu Machingura, close to 400 under privileged children around Zimbabwe’s future looks brighter.

TEM Foundation has assisted about 350 less privileged children with school fees, food and clothes. The Foundation believes poverty is a key driver to abuse and ‘dream killer’ for many children, hence stepping in to assist so that such children’s dreams can be realised in a safe, friendly and conducive environment

Child abuse – along with child labour, child marriage, lack of education and basic health care and other damaging practices are among the setbacks that TEM Foundation has been working against .

The foundation now pays school fees and stationary for primary, high school and universities in Buhera, Mola, Munkula Esghodini, Gweru, Hurungwe, Shurugwi, Harare and other countries.

Global and local data paints a clear picture: where children live in poverty, they are at high risk of abuse and neglect, often exacerbated by parents who need to do whatever they can to survive another day.
With nearly half of the world’s population living in poverty, and around 356 million children living in extreme poverty, far too many children are at risk or abuse and lack of education.

Around the world, one in 10 children are forced to work, many as modern-day slaves, performing work that is dangerous and stops them from learning and growing. TEM Foundation has over the years come in handy to reduce such practices in Zimbabwe.

For TEM Foundation, removing a child from harm and affording them an education is just the beginning to a stable, empowered and promising future.

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