
TBCZ President emphasizes infrastructure development for tourism growth

By Wallace Mawire

Harare- Newly-elected President of the Tourism Business Council of Zimbabwe (TBCZ), Clive Chinwada has emphasized the achievement of world-class standards of infrastructure and operation in all areas that affect travel and tourism directly and indirectly as one of the number of key factors to propel tourism growth in Zimbabwe.

According to Chinwada, said that the TBCZ for many years has pointed out that the travel and tourism sector in Zimbabwe could be a major contributor to national GDP and the industry is working on that goal.

“The confidence in the ability of travel and tourism to overtake such sectors as agriculture and mining is by no means an uncommon one, given that in many other countries the sector has already become the leading economic driver and in many other countries,our view of travel and tourism dominance is also being shared and fostered,”Chinwada said.

He said that the industry has in the past two years seen periods in which travel and tourism contribution to GDP has from time to time overtaken those of other sectors for short periods of time and that they look forward to seeing statistics for the calendar year 2024, early next year growing.

The industry feels that the resumption of travel and tourism growth in the post COVID-19 era has been well and has been cemented this year.

Chinwada said that the council is excited by the post COVID-19 patterns of growth in the sector and are confident that in the absence of any further impediments, the growth trajectory can be sustained.

He said that the TBCZ has a role to play as the sole voice of the operators and is willing to work with all relevant stakeholders as they move forward.

Chinwada said that the TBCZ and sectoral associations under it’s umbrella are already examining the big picture and determining what can be done to foster a positive and sustained path of growth and development.

“We are working closely with the Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality Industry, the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA) and other government ministries, agencies and departments to stimulate a working environment that is conducive to achieving their goal.

Some of the key factors emphasized by Chinwada to propel tourism growth in the country include a stated policy goal by government to achieve travel and tourism contribution to GDP at the level of 15 to 20% by 2050,a comprehensive and exhaustive determination of the obstacles which stand in the way if the goal and the required measures to eliminate the obstacles and reduce their effects and establishment of a working mechanism for the Public and Private sectors can work together towards achievement of the desired goal.

Chinwada was elected President of the TBCZ recently in succession to Wengayi Nhai,who led the body for the past three years.

He is at present General Manager of Holiday Inn Harare and has been with the African Sun Group for more than 10 years.

He is past President of the Hospitality Association of Zimbabwe (HAZ) and was a TBCZ Vice President before his election at a recent Annual General Meeting (AGM).

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