
Social soccer: Premium Tec ,Uptown Guru shrug off lack off funding, lock horns at PE grounds

However, driven by passion, some social league clubs have endured and staged crowd pulling matches where sheer talent is exhibited.

Harare- AMATEUR soccer in Zimbabwe (social soccer) has faced several challenges including funding because of undershadowing by professional leagues, Express Mail Zim has observed where

However, driven by passion, some social league clubs have endured and staged crowd pulling matches where sheer talent is exhibited.

On Sunday, Express Mail Zim Sports watched a game between Premier Tec against Uhuru Uptown at Prince Edward grounds in Harare.

Both teams were confident of victory and at the time of writing , Premium Tec was leading by a goal.
The match coincided with Premier Tec”s five years anniversary.

The sports ministry has emphasized that social soccer is key for community building, fostering teamwork and overally stress relief in the face of mental health issues facing the nation.

The games are meant for professional interaction , Premier Tec is an ICT company which sells and supplies laptops and other services and accessories and their opponents are into diverse busineses including supply of water tanks.

Developing story…

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