
Securico celebrates Silver Jubilee in style

Founder Ndhlukula hosts fun day for employees

Story by Wallace Mawire

AWARD winning security company Securico (Pvt) Ltd,a leading security company in Zimbabwe celebrated its Silver Jubilee last Saturday anniversary with an annual awards in Harare.

The company capped the event with a fun day which included races,short relays, soccer, volleyball and netball to improve their fitness and mental wellbeing.

A wellness coaching session to benefit employees of the company was presented by wellness expert Edith Maziofa who urged employees and the youths to desist from drug abuse.

A talk show involving employees was hosted by Rebecca Chisamba,a veteran broadcaster.

Employees were awarded long service awards.

The founder Divine Ndhlukula said the company has been hosting family sports and fun days for the past five years.

She also said that the company values women empowerment, hence at least 50 percent or more of the employees are female.

Some of the workers who were presented with awards include Jona Ziwacha who served the company for 20 years,Tarisai Nhamo,20 years and Givias Gumbo who served the security company for 20 years.

Dr Ndhlukula was also presented with a certificate of recognition for being one of the longest serving employees of the company.

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