
SDA church(North Zim Conference) combines with Angel of Hope to tackle the scourge of Drug and Substance abuse

Dubbed :Love,Hope and compassion the campaign was launched in Warren Park

Harare:The First Lady,Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa through her organisation Angel of Hope foundation has teamed up with SDA church to amplify the fight against drug and Substance abuse.

The launch was held in Warren Park,Harare . Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa graced the occasion as the guest of honour.

In her key note address, the First lady called upon young people to shun drugs.

She said it is not the sole responsibility of law enforcement agencies to fight and combat drug abuse but a collective responsibility.

“This fight is not only for the government and police. Parents and guardians should also take a leading role in fighting this problem.

“The community should work hand in glove with the police. If we fail to do that, we are killing our nation,” said the first lady.

The first lady pleaded with the young people who are abusing drugs and warned them that they are slowly killing themselves.

“Vanangu tsiurikai, zvinorwadza kuti vana vedu vari kuparara varivadiki. Kuzvara kunorwadza asi ka mukasatsiurika tinonokuvigai patinoenda kumakuva tinenge tichichema asi patinenge tava kudzoka tinenge tisisachemi,” passionately reiterate Dr Mnangagwa.

“Drug and substance abuse can also lead to poor sexual decisions, this can result in unwanted pregnancies, sexual transmitted diseases and other problems,” added the first lady.

Speaking at the same occasion, the Minister of Home affairs and Cultural Heritage, Hon Kazembe Kazembe, who is also the deputy chairperson of the portfolio committee on drugs and crime in Parliament said so far the Zimbabwe Republic Police Zrp have arrested more than 11 thousand people in connections with drugs related crimes.

“Since the beginning of the year, ZRP has arrested more than 11 thousand people who are into this illegal drug business. Sadly, the majority of them are young people between the age of 18 – 35.

“We have also destroyed several drug havens, also known as -ma base- around the country,” said Hon Kazembe.

The campaign also saw the first lady donating 6000 kg of meal mialie that will be distributed to the elderly.

In addition, the Angel of Hope foundation and the SDA church (Dorcas department) also donated medical, stationary, wheelchairs among many other things, to Warren Park polyclinic.

SDA Warren Park district Pastor Dr Tapiwa Zinyemba said his vision is to positively impact the community.

“Recently, we refurbished the office of the ZRP Warren Park Officer in Charge and donated stationary. Today, we are here we will not rest our mandate comes from the Bible Matthew 25 vs 31-46,” said Dr Zinyemba.

In his vote of thanks speech, prominent businessman who is also a member of the Seventh-Day -Adventist Church Mr Obey Chimuka thanked the first lady for her generosity and pledged that he will always support the good work that the first lady is doing.

The police band and several SDA musical groups that include Halleluah Revival Chorus (HRC), The Well among others entertained congregation during the event.

Zimbabwe has a rising drug problem, particularly among young people.

Drug rehabilitation centres are full, with an estimated 5,000 people being treated at any given time.

Tens of thousands of others are not receiving assistance.

Some private medical and voluntary organizations are also offering rehabilitation services.

Drugs are being smuggled into the country, mainly from Mozambique and South Africa.

The most commonly used substances in Zimbabwe include codeine, methamphetamine, glue, solvents, and cannabis.

Many young people take drugs for reasons such as to fit in, escape reality, relieve boredom, rebel, or experiment.

Substance abuse can lead to risky sexual behaviour, cardiovascular and neurological disorders, addiction, stress, depression, anxiety, suicide and psychosis.

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