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Revealed: How Passion was ‘disowned’ by ‘spiritual father’ Ambassador Angel because of alleged misbehaviour

Opinion by Nigel Pfunde

Harare- CONTROVERSIAL clergyman Passion Java was adopted by Ambassador -at-Large Uebert Angel and became his spiritual son ,imparting him with prophetic power earning Passion the nickname Chariot prophet prophet, where he would ‘move around’ people’s households in a chariot and could guess congregants identity card numbers and family problems in spirit.

This is when he made waves with strong preaching that touched the hearts of many.

Even in his heyday day, worshiping at a complex located at the corner of First Street and Samora Machel Avenue, Java touched the hearts of many with his deep sermons that helped him to be a ‘fisher of men’ .

Angel was instrumental in his development as a clergyman of repute and of course coupled with the filial prophetic talent that was passed on by his sober elder brother Apostle Batsirai Java who is husband to the late Morgan Tsvangirai’s daughter Vimbai.

However, social media fame triggered a major behavioral metamorphosis on the’good guy’.

I can’t say good guy gone bad but probably I can coin it as ‘good guy gone funny’!

Fame got into his head that he had to dump his first wife Jasmine who has a taint of Portugeese descendacy.

At the zenith of a Bonnie and Clyde relationship between him and Jasmine- which was blessed by Angel, they sired a son and the then Utopian couple named him Uebert after his spiritual father.

The point where things got sour?

Riding on the wave on social media traction and fame,Passion started to literally disrespect Angel.

The respected Ambassador-at – Large Angel advised Passion to desist from staging miracles and advised him to stay in his calling .

(Footnote: Passion has real calling and knows his word better than most clergymen in Africa!)

However, he refused to lend a listening ear and defied Angel ‘s worthwhile advise. In the strongest way to show defiance he allegedly engaged a notary lawyer and legally changed his son’s name with Jasmine to Panganai!

Apparently in protest.

What irked Angel the most was the ‘Miracle Abortion’ farce.

According to research made by this writer,Passion was to then dump Jasmine and she had to go stay with her mother in Eastlea.

He went on a string of legal battles including defaulting payments on hired cars and so on and so on.

Paradoxically, this controversy made him bigger!

He duplicated roles by being a quasi comedian and clergyman on social media but the inherent trait in his DNA is that he has a calling that however went ‘haywire’

His adorable late mother Senator Chirambaguwa (MHSRIP) even revealed that he prophesied his father’s imminent death at the age of seven.

To this writer’s rather minimum knowledge, using his prophetic talent, Passion was to make a prophecy that passed upon a top politician in Jamaica thereby amassing him a lot of wealth in appreciation.

He was to make investments that he has kept as a closely guarded secret and he was to also meet a clergyman’s daughter-who is his wife.

Her name is Lily, which means flower. She hails from Ethiopia, but grew up in the United States in a Christian family.

Passion by then had a short stay with celebrity clergyman Bishop Noel Jones who starred in top telly series ‘Pastors of New York’.

Their relationship blossomed when Passion invited him to Zimbabwe after paying a large some of money and he preached at City Sports Centre and Passion paid the presidential suite of the Meikles Hotel for his stay.

His latest social media spats are well calculated and the “Man of God’ is definitely not a fool but he however needs to remain sober.

I personally like him a lot but I think he needs to chill a ‘lil and the webosphere will keep on picturing him rolling – with minimum controversy!

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

*Nigel Pfunde is a Zimbabwean journalist  and founding editor of Express Mail Zim . He writes in his own capacity based on truth to power and no personal vendetta * .

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