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Redwing Mine accident: Metallon Gold deploys rescue team at natural disaster scene

Metallon Gold say they have enough capacity to rescue as government chips in

Penhalonga: AS the world is battling natural disasters, Zimbabwe has not been spared with 11 people feared dead at a mine in Manicaland following an earth tremor.

Despite several attempts to save the lives of the miners, the ground was curving whole day with cracks still visible amid indications that the tremor has collapsed supporting pillars.

This publication understands that Metallon Gold Redwing has been tributing mining areas even to individuals and the shaft that collapsed due to a tremor was under some individuals.

The Metallon Gold workers trapped were provided rescue by the company supported by the Ministry of Mines and other key stakeholders including ZRP and Department of Civil Protection.

Addresing journalists Thursday evening, Mines and Mining Development Minister Zhemu Soda confirmed that the suspected cause of the accident was an earth tremor.

“We established that 11 people are suspected to be trapped underground about 20 metres below surface.

“Cause of the collapse of the mine shaft is suspected to be an earth tremor whose source is yet to be ascertained. The miners are suspected to have entered the mine through different shafts,” he said.

Minister Soda said at 9 am yesterday the team led by Metallon Gold Redwing had to retreat after noticing the ground was still curving in.

“The team tried again around 12 midday and noticed that the ground had collapsed more.

“Metallon as a company has indicated that it has sufficient capacity to carry out the rescue mission. More cracks developed on surface and subsidence was noticed on surface around the mine,” he said.

Minister Soda added that: “The ground is still curving in. It appears like the miners had mined out support pillars.”

The Mines Minister went on to reveal that management of tributed areas fall under the principal owner- in this case Metallon Gold.

This revelation by Minister Soda put to rest speculative reports that were awash on some sectors of the media falsely alleging that the tributes belonged to Better Brands where Mabvuku -Tafara Member of Parliament Scott Pedzisayi Sakupwanya has major shareholding.

Mistaken Identity: A flashback picture of Hon Scott Sakupwanya whose company was wrongly fingered in a regretable natural disaster in Penhalonga

An insider at Better Brands who spoke on condition of anonymity said she was saddened by the development and hopes the rescue team will save lives.

“Well, although initial speculative reports peddled by some individulas falsely named Better Brands ,we feel sorry for the development and accident,human life is always valued and we hope the rescue team succeeds,” she said

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