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Prevail Group intensifies Presidential borehole drilling scheme, spreads footprints to Plumtree

targets 100 boreholes in Buhera before Uhuru Day celebrations

Plumtree- PREVAIL Group has intensfied its massive Presidential borehole drilling scheme for rural communities and extended its footprint to Plumtree, Express Mail Zim can report.

The programme is meant to provide portable clean water and the reputable firm was contracted to drill about 10 000 boreholes with irrigation facilities.

Full rig: Prevail Group has spread wings to Plumtree in pursuit of providung clean portable water to rural communities in all provinces

The programme being spearheaded by Zimbabwe National Water Authority (Zinwa) is meant to mitigate water challenges and help transform people’s livelihoods, especially in rural communities.

The project is part of Government efforts to improve access to water by rural communities and transform livelihoods through horticulture and domestic usage.


The development dovetails with the Government policy of devolution and decentralization of services to communities for improved service delivery and economic development, anchored on the National Development Strategy 1 (NDS1) towards the country’s aspirations for an upper-middle-income economy by 2030.

Prevail group chairman Paul Tungwarara said his firm will install at least 100 boreholes in Buhera only before the Independence celebrations to be held at Murambinda growth point.

” Yesterday I checked and we had drilled 60 boreholes in Buhera.

“We are targeting 100 boreholes before imdepence day celebration and we are also working over Easter holidays to drull more boreholes in Plumtree ,Matabeleland since this is a national project.

“People are happy they can now access water from the tap without walking for long distances,” said Tungwarara.

Last week. Prevail Group launched the Presidential Solar Installation programme in Glen View with the pilot project targeting 600 households.

The fiŕm have a synergy with ZETDC and the power generated will ve ij the national grid .

The media shy astute businessman Tungwarara is bullish about the project and empowerment of the citizentry through complementing government efforts.

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