Present your plans to God:2025 lets move!!!

Each year, during this period, most people start to implement planned goals, strategies and objectives for the year ahead at individual, professional, family, community or corporate level but the journey is never easy or a walk over because of different reasons, challenges and opportunities that may lay ahead of us as we pursue these goals and smart strategies.
Likewise, it is also a great time to reflect on the progress made towards your spiritual growth; usually people only focus on physical growth but do not take time to realize the spiritual aspect;
Has your relationship with God deepened? Reflecting on your spiritual growth and relationship with God can provide clarity and direction for the coming year.
-How consistent has your time with God been?
-Have you been spending time in prayer, worship, and reading the Bible?
-Are there areas needing improvement?
-Are there habits, distractions, or struggles that have hindered your spiritual growth?
-Is there a sin or a pattern you need to surrender to God?
As you reflect, it’s essential to celebrate progress, no matter how small, and seek God’s guidance for areas needing growth. The greatest advantage God has given to us as Humans is the ability to think and usually people formulate New strategies and goals to achieve too.
Most importantly, let’s present our plans to God. Some of our objectives and goals are not fruitful and achievable because we lack the Lord’s guidance from the inception period. Let’s not be swayed or destructed by the worldly environment, let’s apply the word of God by subduing the Earth according to Genesis 1:26 when God bestowed governance upon us.
Remember, we have the ability to seek and attain certain ingredients to life which includes;
Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom;
God gave us the brains so that we use them productively, not to sit on them. It’s up to an individual what you deposit in your brain, that will manifest in the life style you lead. If you deposit junk in your mind, then you will manifest junk life.
I have witnessed people who have much knowledge but they are not effective leaders in there own right.
They have the knowledge but lack the drive to influence their environment. Therefore, if you seek knowledge, use it and be productive in your life and become what you want to be.
How do you seek knowledge?
you find knowledge through research and analysing data.
Most of us we do not dive into research, we depend on prayer and that the Holy Spirit will do things for us. And that has handicapped most of our people in terms of being effective people in life.
Theology will never chase away poverty but work will, Let’s pray at the same time use our knowledge to be productive, that’s subduing the Earth.
This is an ingredient that makes us live a purposeful life. People who do not embrace understanding do not lead a balanced life. Lack of understanding is the ingredient of the multitude mentality. The multitude seeks entertainment and most of them they are actors in life. They imitate other people and fail to identify their purpose in life. I call it a multitude- mentality. This kind of ingredient will never ground us into the word of God.
We need to seek the discipleship- mentality of understanding in whatever we do in our lives. The difference between the multitude and a disciple is in understanding. The disciples seek to understand and the multitude seeks entertainment and they do not grow into maturity in their lives. During this period of prayer, let’s pray with understanding, fast with understanding and praise God with understand.
this is the area of application what you have learnt in life. In order for you to be productive in life you have to practice what you would have deposited in your mind. This is an important ingredient, because if you do not use the knowledge you have acquired it becomes obsolete as time goes by, therefore let’s embrace and use these ingredients in our lives and subdued the Earth.
The interpretation to this message is, work even during dry seasons, do something that contributes to your growth, no matter how small it is, even when resources (human or financial) or the season seems dry, there is something that you can do to keep you on a growth trajectory.
Do not allow the mind to be idle, strive to make some small or sometimes seemingly insignificant progress. Even the Bible warns us of the dangers of an idle mind, it is the devil’s workshop others say, avoid it at all cost. Keep the focus, discipline, and commitment
The mind becomes the greatest weapon that God and the devil want to use for good and evil respectively! It is the key to a healthy and happy you, protect it and expose it to beautiful, edifying and holy information. If you win in your mind, you are likely to win in life.
Winning starts in the mind
Purity starts in the mind
Self control starts in the mind
Confidence starts in the mind
Hope starts in the mind
Pride starts in the mind
Addictions start in the mind
Most demonic oppressions are anchored in the mind
Happiness starts in the mind
Confidence starts in the mind
Everything that will make you successful, will start by what you deposit in your head.
2025 May God be merciful and gracious to you;
May it bring beautiful results, good health and prosperity.
May you find peace, favor and Blessings
May God protect you from death, accidents and failure
May God give you Grace against misfortunes, mistakes and doubt
May He protect you from unknown sicknesses, infections and medical conditions.
May His favor take you to greater positions, greater names and greater deals
May you be the Head and not the tail.
God bless You.