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Police assault, arrests 14 UZ students

Harare- SOME University of Zimbabwe (UZ) students sustained injuries after they were assaulted by Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) officers who apprehended them on Monday 12 September 2022 during a protest against the exorbitant increase in tuition fees.

They went on to arrest 14 students and detained them at Avondale Police Station after accusing them of staging a protest at their Mt Pleasant campus against the university’s decision to astronomically hike tuition fees.

Some students were left nursing injuries after they were assaulted by the truncheon-wielding ZRP officers.

Lawyers from Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights, who responded to the
arrest of the students, were initially denied access to their clients both at UZ and at Avondale Police Station on Monday 12 September 2022 and were only allowed to interview them on Tuesday 13 September 2022
around 1:30 PM.

The 14 students are Havana Mtetwa, Natasha Zhuwaya, Ropafadzo
Mutangadura, Mufaro Vhutuza, Fatima Ajida, Fungai Chitodhla, Beyond
Wendy Siwela, Thelma Nzero, David Musasa, Godknows Zabwa, Owen
Mashaya, Tinashe Zana, Tinotenda Mwenje and Fletcher Katwe.

The UZ students’ right to privacy was violated as their mobile phone
handsets were seized and accessed while in detention without their

They are expected to appear in court on Wednesday 14 September 2022.

Source: ZLHR

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