
Palestinian journalists covering Gaza receive 2024 IPI-IMS World Press Freedom Hero award

By Wallace Mawire

Palestinian journali sts covering the war in Gaza are the recipients of the 2024 IPI-IMS World Press Freedom Hero award.
This year marks the first time that the award has been given to a group of journalists collectively.

It recognizes the extraordinary courage and resilience that Palestinian journalists have demonstrated in covering the war in Gaza. Under the most dire of circumstances, they have risked their lives to be the world’s eyes and ears.

Since October, with foreign and Israeli journalists barred by Israel from entering Gaza, Palestinian journalists have shouldered the responsibility of reporting inside the territory. They have persevered despite airstrikes, communication blackouts, displacement, the devastating loss of children, partners, parents and other family members, and an unfolding humanitarian catastrophe.

The toll has been immense. At least 105 journalists and media workers have been killed in the region since the start of the war eight months ago. This is far more than in any modern war or conflict in this span of time on record. Of these, the vast majority were Palestinian journalists killed by Israeli airstrikes on Gaza.
The IPI-IMS World Press Freedom Hero award honours journalists who have displayed tremendous courage and resilience in fighting for media freedom and the free flow of news.

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