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Palestine condemns the burning of citizens alive

Ambassador says at least 35 k Palestinians have been killed, the majority of whom were children and women,and injuring 80

Story by Lloyd Rabaya

Harare- PALESTINE Ambassador to Zimbabwe Tamer Almassri has condemned the burning of alive Palestinians in Rafah by Israeli forces in an offensive.

In a statement, Almassri said the offensive, going on in Bureji Camp and Jabalia, go against the international humanitarian law.

“Israeli occupation forces also committed eight massacres against families in the Gaza Strip over the last 24 hours, resulting in the documented killing of at least 81 Palestinians and the injury of 223,” he said.

The massacres, according to the ambassador, defy the rulings of the International Court of Justice and constitute a severe violation of international law.
Almassri also urged the international community to confront and ensure that Israel is accountable for these offensive.

The offensive went on on the 234th day of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip.

At least 35 984 Palestinians have been killed, the majority of whom were children and women,and injuring 80 643 others, according to the statement.

A local political analyst Tawanda Chibaya condenmed the happenings in the strongest terms.

” This is a clear violation of human rights and cannot be tolerated. The international community must take action to stop the atrocities being committed against the Palestinian people.

“We call for justice and accountability for those responsible for these heinous acts. The violence and bloodshed in Gaza must come to an end, and the Palestinian people deserve to live in peace and security,” lamented Chibaya.

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