
Opinion- Africa must reject self-hate

Opinion by Jimayi Muduvuri

When the bloodthirsty and wanderlust Europeans met in Berlin, so many moons ago, to curve among themselves the African continent, not a single black face was represented, nay, it was like playing daredevils parcelling to each other some fanciful toys.

Yet, Africa was a continent, populated by a people with a brownish skin pigmentation, who were living peacefully and blissfully in the lap of abundance that the continent could offer, and still offer despite the plunder by the pinkish colonialists.
Of course, they chose to refer themselves as white and ascribed the black description to the people habitating the African continent, and the black denotes, at least in their parlance the negative, ugly and evil.

The whites, with their self-righteousness, depicted the blacks as uncivilized savages who they could even enslave willy-nilly, conveniently hiding within the verses of the Bible.
Indeed, after the Berlin Conference, they trooped to the African continent, killed those who dared to resist their incursions, whether in Mali, Senegal, Somalia or Zimbabwe.
They never cringed at the sight of blood, even now they still don’t believe in the sanctity of human life as they massacre Palestinians through their Apartheid glory hunters and expansionist the Israelis, America, the so-called cradle of democracy and human rights cheers on the Israelis, supplying deadly weapons that have left children and women dead in their thousands.

According to Palestinian health authorities, the Israel’s ground and air campaign, which is raging on, fanned by the West, has killed more than 35,000 people, mostly civilians, and driven most of the enclave’s 2.3 million people from their homes.

The reason why innocent Palestinians are being butchered is simply because, it is the blood of the white man that matters more, the war is ostensibly being waged to avenge the death 1139 people who were killed by the Hamas on October 7.
People are dying in Gaza all because it’s only the blood of the whites that matters, never mind the tenets of natural justice that we are all equal, isn’t it that the same Bible they used to conquer Africa and justify subjugation is clear that we were all created in the image of God.

This is by no means a new phenomenon, nay, history is replete with similar massacres of innocent non-Europeans who have died at the hands of the insatiable bloody imperialists.
According to Statista, from 1501 until 1866, it is estimated that the transatlantic slave trade saw more than 12.5 million African people forcefully put on slave ships and transported to the Americas. Of these 12.5 million, only 10.7 million disembarked on the other side of the Atlantic, meaning that approximately 1.8 million (14.5 percent) did not survive the journey, known as the Middle Passage.
They died at the hands of Europeans.
Fast forward to 1885, atrocities were also committed in the Congo Free State, now the Democratic Republic of Congo, by Belgium murderous King Leopold.
Between 1885 and 1905 an estimated fifteen million people died, needless to say at the hands of Europeans.

In Ethiopia, an Italian occupation force killed an estimated 30 000 Ethiopians in a disproportionate revenge for an assassination attempt on Marshal Rodolfo Graziani, Marquis of Negele, Viceroy of Italian East Africa, on 19 February 1937.
It was all committed by Europeans.

Back home in Southern Africa, atrocities were committed by Europeans at Nyadzoniá, Chimoio and in South Africa during the Apartheid era.
Vestiges of Apartheid still persist in the world because the architecture is still present, never mind its diminishing influence in the geo-global politics.
That system that saw black South Africans being neglected to the fringes of that country economy while the new comers and offspring of the Berlin Conference drafters feted, feeding fat from Africa abundant resources
Despite the fact that South Africa got its independence in 1994, the blacks still live in abject poverty, dwelling in plastic palaces and corrugated iron sheets mansions, they live on crammed in mukukus, while the mafikizols dwell in real palaces or at stretching farms that spread to the point where the sky meets the earth.

And they never blame the whites but rather their kith and kin, who were either born on the other side of the Limpopo, but still speak the same language, enjoy the same African cuisine and mostly poignantly don the same black hue , distinctively African never mind a global footprints born largely out of the Transatlantic slave trade and successive repressive systems that the now fledgling west superstructure crested.
Oddly, the whites are never attacked but rather fellow black Africans who will be eking a living in cities of South Africa, itself the continent biggest economy.
With the election season, the anti’black hysteria is reaching a sickening crescendo, fanned by some political clowns who ravel and thrive in preaching hate speech and xenophobia.

According to an endorsement of Cde Jimayi Muduvuri by Cde Josiah Dimbo, who is a Pan Africanist in his own right based in Zimbabwe, Ambassador Jimayi Muduvuri is a living Hero and Prince of peace.
Dimbo says that heroes are made, some are born with hero-ship in the blood.
He says that to some hero-ship is thrown to them,but to Jimayi Muduvuri is a different case.
‘From humble beginnings he worked himself to heroship. He hase penned his name in the sand and will never be erased. He is a living hero of the his generation,’ Dimbo

Dimbo said that Muduvuri is a true pan-Africanist, philanthropist, Leader in his own right.
He adds that demonstrated by his passion to see people living with disabilities and living better and healthy lifestyles.
He says that that Muduvuri was born in a revolutionary spirit which led him to establish a Pan-Africanism State of The Art Hospital in the city of Kadoma in Zimbabwe. The hospital is the first of its kind in Zimbabwe.

As an endorsement of the initiative, the President of Zimbabwe His Excellency Emmerson D. Mnangangwa officially opened the hospital in 2023.
‘Getting an endorsement from the highest office in the land is a true testimony of the importance of the hospital in offering unparalleled services to Zimbabweans and beyond,’ Dimbo said.
He added that as the country celebrated its 44th independence anniversary Muduvuri will never be forgotten as a living hero and king of of the city Kadoma in Zimbabwe. Dimbo described Muduvuri as atrue Son of the Soil.
‘Like Mother Teresa, caring for people living with disabilities is your new profession. You are a shining Star in the darkness. Spread your wings beyond Zimbabwe.

Jimayi Muduviri is a businessman, philanthropist and Founder of the Pan-African Referral hospital in Zimbabwe.

He writes in his on capacity

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