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Off the hook: Mike Chimombe cleared of fraud charges

Harare – ECONOMIC Empowerment Group (EEG) president Mike Chimombe has been acquitted of fraud charges Wednesday,Express Mail Zim can report.

The controversial businessman had his charges dropped with State citing that there was no evidence linking him to the allegations.

Chimombe was accused of selling a non existent stand and was remanded out of custody on ZW$50 000 bail.

Chimombe was picked up from his Borrowdale Brooke residency by Criminal Investigative Detectives last month after allegedly refusing to be arrested by uniformed Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) officers.

He was at loggerheads with Harare businessman Brian Marungamise who accused him of selling a ‘ghost’ stand in Tynwald valued at US$16 900 .

Chimombe is perceived as a Zanu PF apologist and he has survived a coterie of criminal allegations including rape .
He recently hogged the limelight for impregnating his wife’s sister.

His stronghold is Mashonaland West province where he has mining intrests.

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