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Notorious cyanide fugitive Marida Van Der Spuy slips back into Zim

She is said to enjoy 'protection' from top Bulawayo cops and the cyanide still sits in the warehouse at 105 Plumtree Road in Bulawayo, illegally and improperly stored.

Story by Bulawayo Bureau

Bulawayo- A notorious South African national Marida Maria Magdalena Van Der Spuy who skipped the country in March and has been on the run after being caught up in a dirty illegal cyanide procurement and storage storm has reportedly slithered back into the country with the help of a cabal of white Rhodesian mafia,Express Mail Zim can reveal.

Partner in crime Robert Rob Forfar

The controversial Marida was dragged in to a plot involving notorious Chinese national, the shady Li Song, who has a starring role in Zimbabwean courts of late but was mysteriously let to skip the country when she was expected to answer crucial questions about the illegal storage of the cyanide and its illegal storage given how rampant poaching with the use of cyanide is in Matabeleland.

“True, she had disappeared from the city and she is a creature of habit so we knew she wasn’t there because she had withdrawn her child from school at (school name provided) but now she’s seen in the local shopping centre which she frequents a lot,” said a man who sells his wares at the Hillside Shopping Centre in the country’s second largest city who positively identified her.

“My brother,I know her, she’s a fat woman with glasses and awkward dressing so she is not difficult to spot at all,” he doubled down.

Investigations by Express Mail Zim confirmed that Van Der Spuy was indeed in town as she would be spotted taking her autistic son to school since he needs added care while her husband Tyron, also autistic, has since joined her in Bulawayo where they drive a blue vehicle whose colour and model easily stick out.

Hubby dragged to Zim for wife’s better earnings : Tyron Van Der Spuy

Telling anyone who cares that her husband has to move to Bulawayo from his native South Africa because she makes far much more than him, it was never going to be a surprise that should she try and return hoping the coast was clear, she would drag her poorer pay-cheque husband with her.

“If it is not her dropping the child off here at the school it is her au pair,” said a source.

It has since come to light that she affords a lavish life where she roped in an au pair from South Africa who often does the rounds and school run.

Glamorous expensive SA family au pair Heidi Bahr

The au pair, Heidi Bahr, is a glamorous pin up model type beauty who would not come to work in Zimbabwe for a song, lending credence to questions about Marida Maria Magdalena Van Der Spuy’s lifestyle funded by alleged ill-gotten wealth, considering she was at the helm of a struggling mine which was shut under her auspices, allegedly deliberately run down by her and her partner, Rhodesian born Robert Rob Forfar with whom she has a questionably cuddly relationship and has been work bedfellows with for close to two decades.

She allegedly travels with a team of minions headed by the double agent sexagenarian Rhodesian Forfar, which she ensures is beholden to her in her wish to control those she insists should do her bidding although appendage Forfar has reportedly started to slow down-collapsing out of breath on one of his regular runs and needing urgent medical attention.

Amongst numerous acts of sabotage, many still tumbling out of a teeming cupboard, includes dodgy hirings, one of which was the hiring of a not fit for purpose unqualified journeyman in the demanding position of engineer when he would be all thumbs in the role-his pedestrian abilities being nowhere near his pay cheque or mental prowess.

The ‘fake engineer’, one Dumile Sambo, split as soon as the heat was turned on as he sensed the operation by his long term accomplices would soon hit a snag and sink.

The couple of Forfar and Van Der Spuy, after being disrobed in their attempt to steal a local company on behalf of secret paymasters, have since gone on the offensive- blatantly rogue and working with no cover,
including maliciously churning false information against their erstwhile employers, viciously scorned that their enterprise was nipped just before they dreamed it would thrive.

It is these networks that seem to have emboldened Van Der Spuy to come back to Zimbabwe with reckless abandon which suggests she is well protected and contemptuously disdainful of the law of the land.

After the case was pursued by Donningtons Police by one Assistant Inspector Mpofu, it was referred in unclear circumstances to the Police Anti Corruption Unit under one Machingura following the flurry of media interest in Li Song’s hand in the whole slug and then went remarkably cold.

The cyanide still sits in the warehouse at 105 Plumtree Road in Bulawayo, illegally and improperly stored.

“The white community have created their own little fiefdom in the south of Zimbabwe which has either pocketed certain aspects of law enforcement or is recklessly contemptuous of the law that they have gotten away with, and observers argue that it is high time that part of the country is reclaimed.

A number of cases in Matabeleland South involving some characters, particularly notorious white mine owners just peter out into dead ends if at all they get to court, some court records go missing or they are let to go cold as is the case with the Maria Marida Magdalena Van Der Spuy case.

The appointment of 11 new High Court judges by President Mnangagwa a fortnight ago might be a panacea to the rot in the local justice delivery system where such dodgy dealers posing as investors and bleeding the country’s natural resources.

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