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North-South road corridor rehab takes shape, Minister Mhona opens Nemakonde – Harare Drive Road to traffic

He urged residents to take care of the vegetation that the contractor Fossil Contracting put in place to beautify the streets and the city

Harare – THE rehabilitation of the North-South corridor road is steadily taking shape with the opening of the 5,4 kilometres stretch front Nemakonde Way to Harare Drive Thursday afternoon.

The road was opened for traffic at an event presided over by Transport minister Felix Mhona who was in the company of Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution Harare Metropolitan Charles Tawengwa and other, legislators from the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Transport Infrastructural Development and senior government officials.

Women @ work: Fossil Contracting employees busy sprucing up the road

The North-South corridor will link the country to Sadc, Comesa and East African states and this stretch is the first part of the 21 km stretch along Makuti-Chirundu Road that launched by President Mnangagwa in 2019.

Mhona showered praises on President Mnangagwa for spearheading the road rehabilitation programme under the Second Republic.

“This is the day that the Lord has made and we shall rejoice and be glad in it.
“We are happy and when we started the project of road rehabilitation under President Emmerson Mnangagwa in The Second Republic, some people were doubting whether we will be able to connect to the new city but we are glad to say to the people of Zimbabwe that together as a team we have accomplished.

” Our work ethic is 24/7 and we are following that trajectory we are running as a ministry.
” We have also moved to Greater Harare and locations like Warren Park where we had some problematic roads, ” said Mhona.

What a beauty: Part of the Nemakonde /Harare Drive Road that Minister, Mhona opened to traffic Thursday afternoon

He applauded residents and motorists for their patience in the process of reconstruction.

He also urged residents to take care of the vegetation that the contractor Fossil Contracting put in place to beautify the streets and the city.

Speaking at the occasion, Fossil Contracting project engineer Maguta said the project was a major achievement and they had to weather the storm in the face of some hindrances including public interface on site.

“We treasure this milestone. We were working in an urban area so issues of public interface and existing underground structures.

“From Julius Nyerere Way to Blue Lagoon, we replaced existing with tar we a new layer.

” We also installing streetlights and landscaping and beautifying our nation and also upgrading storm water drains, ” said Eng Maguta who is the project Engineer for the contractor Kuzolunga under the Fossil Contracting Group.

Meanwhile, residents and motorists expressed gratitude to Mhona and the contractor Fossil for a speedy road rehabilitation exercise.

” We are happy that the road is now open to traffic.

” We thank minister Mhona and Fossil for a job well done and the timeous intervention to reduce road carnage and also at a time we are expecting visitors ,” said a Marlborough resident.

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