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New Foundation Launches, commits to support Zimbabwean organisations

Cape Town:Masana wa Afrika, a newly established African nonprofit foundation, announces its official launch. With a mission to support and amplify African community-based organisations serving the needs of children. and their families, Masana wa Afrika aims to drive lasting change throughout the continent. Delta Philanthropies and The ELMA Foundation are the initial funding partners, laying the groundwork for significant, long-term impact.

Recognising that community leaders are the experts best positioned to determine how funding can be most effectively utilised, Masana wa Afrika currently provides multi-year unrestricted grants alongside capacity-strengthening support to 115 organisations in 13 African countries, with plans to expand over the coming years. These organisations provide a wide range of essential services that would otherwise be unavailable to children and families in their communities. Services vary from early childhood development programs, child nutrition, support for children with disabilities, economic empowerment opportunities, psychosocial support, and HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment services, demonstrating the variety of care and resources that community-based organisations provide to children.

Masana wa Afrika’s approach to philanthropy centres on forging long-term relationships with proximate leaders, and acknowledges the importance of local ownership, cultural sensitivity, and community-driven solutions in driving development in Africa Its South Africa and Uganda-based team works dosely with each grantee organisation, supporting them as they create and implement sustainable, long-term advancements for their communities.

(From left to right) Robyn Calder Harawi, Board Member, Masana waAfrika and President, ELMA Philanthropies;Tsitsi Masiyiwa, Board Member, Masana waAfrika, Co-Founder and Chair, HigherLife Foundation;Elizabeth Tanya Masiyiwa, President and CEO, HigherLife Foundation, during the Masana waAfrika Launch

“Masana wa Afrika recognises the inherent potential and resilience of African communities,” said Ruth Mapara, Director of Masana wa Afrika. “Our foundation is built on the belief that sustainable development can only be achieved when communities are empowered to lead and drive change from within. We are dedicated to providing the necessary support and resources to help African children and communibes thrive.”

“We believe that true progress stems from within communities themselves, “added Bernadette Moffat, Masana wa Afrika Board Chair. “By investing in proximate leadership and supporting locally-led initiatives, we can unlock the full potential of African communities and create lasting change in the lives of children and their familles.”

“Masana wa Afrika is trust-based philanthropy in action” said Tsitsi Masiyiwa, Masana wa Afrika Board Member and Delta Philanthropies Board Chair. “The organisations supported by the foundation are embedded in the communities they serve, making them expertly placed to design and deliver solutions that work for them. The more support we give them, the greater impact they can achieve.”

Masana wa Afrika bridges the funding gap between global philanthropy and African communities through strategic

partnerships and collaborations with like-minded funders eager to drive resources to proximate organisations.

Ruth Mapara “Together we can ensure that community-based organisations have sufficient resources to enable

children and youth in Africa to succeed

In Zimbabwe, the initial organisations supported by Masana wa Afrika are:

Chiedza-Education and early childhood development

Chiedza Community Welfare Trust-Education and adolescent programs

Child Protection Society – Child protection services early childhood development, and health Edward

Ndlovu Memonal Trust-Education and literacy Heather Chimhoga Crphan Care-Health and education support to orphaned children

Kidzcan, Children’s Cancer Relief – Supporting children with cancer and their families

NZEVE Deat Centre-Supporting hearing impaired children and their families Rozaria Memorial Trust-Prevention and protection services to children, women and girls

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