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Murombedzi parent instructs child to poison 8 schoolmates

The community is in disbelief, counseling and support services are being provided to the affected students and their families.

Murombedzi- IN a bizzare incident, a parent allegedly instructed her child to share poisoned food with eight schoolmates in Murombedzi Friday ,Express Mail Zim can report.

The incident occured at Matoranhembe primary school and police have since instituted investigations.

It is alleged that the pupil (name withheld) carried two lunch boxes containing rice and soup and the mother gave instructions that he should give one specific lunch box to colleagues.

He complied and the eight pupils who consumed the food started compaining of stomach pains and excessive vomiting.

The Zimbabwe Republic Police confirmed the incident.

“Eight pupils allegedly started vomiting while complaining of stomach pains after they had consumed rice and soup which had been packed in a lunch box. The pupils were ferried to Murombedzi Rural Hospital for treatment,” said national police spokesperson Paul Nyathi in a statement released Sunday.

The parent, who has since been identified and arrested, is facing charges of attempted murder and child endangerment.

The school authorities have urged parents to be vigilant and to monitor their children’s interactions and behaviors. They have also reassured the community that measures are being put in place to ensure the safety and security of all students at the school.

The incident has left the community shell shocked said a resident who spoke to Express Mail Zim over the phone.

In a telephone interview, a teacher at the school said counselling sessions are underway.

“The community is in disbelief and counseling and support services are being provided to the affected students and their families,” said the teacher who preffered anonymity.

Police said investigation is ongoing to uncover the motive behind the parent’s actions and to ensure that justice is served.

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