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Mufakose murder: Funeral services provider chips in on burial expenses

Harare- THE family of the Mufakose murderer Thomas Nyamhunga who has adopted the name ‘butcher’ showered praises on fast rising funeral services provider Stoneriver who chipped on the deceased funeral expenses, Express Mail Zim can report.

Stoneriver had to cater for funeral expenses and also provided undertaker services in tye funeral that was resulted in by a crime of passion.

The alleged killer’s brother said they were in good books with Needmore’s family and passed apologies in behalf of his brother.

Thomas murdered his girlfriend Needmore Maunga’ s child in cold blood after suspicion that she had gone to watch a soccer match in Ngezi with a boyfriend.

Thomas was arrested while hiding in a commuter omnibus in Waterfalls and his wife retraced how he abandoned their family after having been ‘charmed’ by Needmore

It is in the spirit of Ubuntuisim and corporate service responsibility that Stoneriver offered to foot the funeral expenses.

Express Mail Zim understands that the funeral services provider Stoneriver Funeral Services intiially agrred to offer the family terms but later offered to sponsor the entire funeral.

“In line with pur corporate services responsibility (CSR) family, we decided to fubd the funeral expenses after great consideration of the circumstances leading to the minor’s death.

“We value our customers and grieve with them in times of turmoil,” said Stoneriver Funeral Services principal officer Tawanda Pilime.
A close relative who spoke to this publication said:

“We are grateful of the gesture by Stoneriver and we hope they continue to do this to other needy families,” she said.

The relative showered appreciation on Stoneriver Funeral Services for their cooperation in the times of turmoil.

“We appreciate the cooperation by Stoneriver Funeral services in these tough times.

“I dont know what got into our brother’s mind and we feel sorry for Needmore and her family for the loss,” said the relative who preffered anonymity.

Meanwhile, Thomas’ wife Virginia Denhere made startling revelations on how he had ditched the family.

“I suffered a miscarriage because of Needmore.

“Akadyisa murume wangu zvekuti ndaipepuka usiku kumuwana achitaura naNeedmore pamwe pacho otongobuda mugumbeze ndakarara oenda kwaari pakati pehusiku.

“My children suffered because of Needmore.

“She scoffed at me saying Thomas was leaving me because I gave birth to four girls only.”

She added:

“Needmore was always a thorn in my flesh, collecting all his salary.

“Thomas airarisa vana vangu nenzara nyama yose aendesa kwaNeedmore.

“I discovered their illicit affair sometime in May 2021, when Needmore sent an audio message asking my husband to bring a light bulb, at around 10pm.”

Virginia said despite all their challenges, she never expected Thomas to turn into someone who would kill anyone, let alone children.

“Although Needmore emotionally and physically abused me, I did not expect Thomas to kill.

“I feel sorry for Needmore.”

Virginia said Thomas sent her a message after committing the murder.

She then met him at her younger sister’s house in Retreat where Thomas had sought refuge before his arrest.

“Thomas sent a message begging for forgiveness,” said Virginia.

“Hanzi sorry zvako mudzimai wangu ndazviuraira h**e.

“From that message I thought he had committed suicide.

“I was shocked to find him hiding at my younger sister’s house after committing murder.

“He went on to plead with me to look after our four children.”

She added:

“Thomas blamed Needmore for luring him into drinking alcohol.

“We used to attend church together but Needmore bewitched my husband, taught him to drink beer and he forgot his children.

“Needmore started turning her back on Thomas about three weeks ago.

“Hanzi akawana imwe mbinga inonzi Stan yaavekumhanya nayo.

“Needmore sent a message to Thomas claiming that Stan was a better lover because he does not fight her.

“All the property at Needmore’s home was bought by Thomas.”

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