
MP’s snub Petrotrade fuel coupons, Togarepi backs them up

Harare- FINANCE Minister Mtuli Ncube Thursday was compelled to summon the media to explain the alleged monopoly of Petrotrade as the sole provider of fuel coupons to legislators, Express Mail Zim can report.

This follows grievances submitted by legislators and subsequent backlash that they are unpatriotic for demanding versatile fuel service providers when they are on duty.

Zanu-PF chief whip Pupurai Togarepi has scoffed at speculation that the current crop of legislators are not patriotic after they refused fuel coupons from Petro Trade.

The legislators caused a scene in Parly after they refused fuel coupons from Petrotrade which angered a majority of Zanu-PF aligned citizens who labeled them as “unpatriotic”.

Togarepi opined that the unwarranted furore was an administrative issue.

“This is an administrative issue, the government provides for fuel,it is the duty of parliament to come up with a cocktail fuel provider’s, it is a lie that we are against petrotrade but some of the constituencies these MP’s come from they cannot redeem these coupons, ” Togarepi told Express Mail Zim.

Legislators from Zanu PF, Citizens Coalition for Change and MDC-T all in solidarity rejected the Petrotrade fuel coupons.

Some sources implicated petroleum mogul Kuda Tagwirei who is accused of making frantic efforts to retain hegemony on the sole fuel pipeline and blocked Chris Mutsvangwa’s initiatives of a second pipeline other than Feruka.

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