
Moonlight Funeral driver audio leak clears air on accident

driver narrates graphic details of mishap

Harare- CIRCUMSTANCES surounding an accident involving a Moonlight vehicle along Fifth Avenue and Leopold Takawira Friday has taken a new twist , contrary to wide reports from some sections of the media, stating that the driver failed to observe a stop sign and rammed into a moving car.

Express Mail Zim intercepted an audio report of the unidentified driver reporting to his transport manager narrating the real graphic circumstances of the mishap.

This publication contacted Moonlight public relations manager Noway Museba and she said she was aware of the incident but said she was disturbed by misleading media reports, she however said she needs to consult the human resources and transport management before commenting.

“Thank you for getting in touch, of course I am aware of the unfortunate incident of one our vehicles that was involved in an accident where our car was rammed in a stationary state.

“However, I am not aware of the audio you made reference to,I will check with our human resources and transport department who have mandate on such.

“But as a human being,I am glad no lives were lost,” said Museba

Listen to the leaked audio of the driver giving intricate details of the accident:

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