
Meikles Hotel manager in racism storm, ‘scuttles’ SADC summit hospitality trajectory

Harare – HYATT Regency Harare (formerly Meikles) hotel manager Jonas Amstad is in the eye of a storm amid allegations of racism and violation of Labour law.

Express Mail Zim is in possession of a letter written by employees to the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare where the grievances were aired. .

This development pours cold water on the government ‘s plans to give maximum levels of hospitality to visitors at the 44th SADC summit set for next month.

Employees allege that Jonas is in the habit of throwing racist remarks to staffers thereby demotivating them.

“We do hereby submit our deepest concerns and worries as Hyatt Regency Harare The Meikles.

” Management and Staff on the recently seconded General Manager, Jonas Amstad.

“It’s our belief and conviction that the owner of this Hotel Mr. Ali Albwardy is a genuine, honest investor who should be supported by all means in this enormous investment.

” We stand by His Excellence, The President of the Republic of Zimbabwe in his mantra and his speech on the launch of this new brand to Zimbabwe, the Hyatt Regency.

” Jonas Amstad has proved contrary to what we were deemed to understand prior to the opening of this Hotel through the trainings we went through, especially Hyatt Purpose and its values, none of these exist in Jonas’s language and we feel betrayed and don’t think what he is doing to management and staff is what the investor wants neither His Excellence, ” read part of the letter.

The management and staff blasted Jonas’ character character and” colonial mentality”.

“His behaviour cannot be tolerated to continue lest we suffer the consequences as Zimbabwean citizens,” further read the letter of complaint.

THE hotel was taken over by United Arab Emirates-based hotel concern Albwardy Investment, which bought it five years ago and splashed US$30 million on the property to transform it into a world class hospitality gem.

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