
Mbuya Stella Chiweshe burial set for tomorrow

Harare- THE late mbira maestro Stella Chiweshe who died last week will be buried Tuesday at Nekati Village under Chief Masembura about 40km from Bindura town, Express Mail Zim can report.

Her lifeless body will leave Harare Monday from Nyaradzo Funeral Parlour and lie in state at her homestead.

Hundreds of people from all walks of life thronged her funeral wake and government granted her a State assisted funeral to acknowledge the sterling work she did in using music and the mbira instrument to fight and challenge colonial rule.

Born Rambisai Chiweshe in Mujumi village in Mhondoro in Zimbabwe’s Mashonaland West province on July 8 1946, she was determined to use the mbira instrument to challenge the status quo.

According to critique Arthur Choga, her spiritual connection to the mbira instrument and the way she set out to learn an instrument that was not only frowned upon by the colonial government of the time, but was considered taboo to be played by women, is a whole study of her determination and sheer will power to achieve what she set her mind on.

She indeed made achievements and travelled the world armed with the mbira and an inimitable voice telling the Zimbabwean story.

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