
Masvingo runs dry due to power outages

By Own Correspondent

Masvingo- MASVINGO residents are fearing an upsurge of cholera after the local authority has for the past five days been unable to provide water service due to electricity outage which has affected the water pumping station, Bushmead Water Works.

In an interview, some residents said, they are being forced to use the nearby bushes as ablution facilities.
“Council last provided us with water, on Tuesday and the information that we have is that the water provision has been affected by electricity outages.We are calling on the power utility company, Zesa to find a long lasting solution as we fear water borne diseases,”said a resident of Mucheke suburb who refused to be named.

Added another resident:
“I think it’s high time council make efforts of ensuring the use of solar energy at Bushmead Water Works as an alternative to electricity.This problem of water crisis has occurred for a long time now…it’s high time a long lasting solution is found,”.

Masvingo Residents Forum secretary, Prosper Tiringindi also weighed in saying a health time bomb is facing the city with a population of over 120 000 people.

“As residents we are calling on both the local authority and Zesa to put their heads together and ensure that Bushmead Water Works is given a priority on electricity usage.Right now there is a danger of water borne diseases in the city,”said Tiringindi.
Masvingo City Council this week in a statement said it is unable to provide water service due to power outages forcing residents to source water from boreholes and solar water tapes.
Masvingo provincial medical director, Amadeus Shamu said the province now has four cholera cases.

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