
Massive send off for Fossil boss

Speaking on behalf of Fossil Contracting, the company Finance manager, Charles Mutasa said Gwanzura's untimely demise was everyone's loss.

Story by Desire Ncube

Gweru- PEOPLE from all walks of life gathered in Gweru, Lundi Park, to bid farewell to the late Fossil Contracting plant manager, Leroy Gwanzura who died in Harare last Monday.

Scores of people who attended the burial said this was a testament to the impact Gwanzura had on their lives.

The atmosphnnere was sombre, yet celebratory, as friends and relatives thronged the Gwanzura residence to celebrate his life.

Employees, past and present, shared stories of his leadership and mentorship.
Business associates and partners expressed gratitude for his collaboration and vision while community members and friends recalled his kindness and generosity.

Family members’, workmates and loved ones spoke of Gwanzura’s love and devotion.

“As we gather, we represent a diverse tapestry of lives touched by the departed boss,” said Gwanzura’s high school friend.

The whole community stood together, united in their respect and admiration, bidding him a final and well-deserved farewell.

The church service was filled with tears of sadness, smiles of fond memories, words of tribute and praise, embraces of comfort and support, which demonstrated a sense of community togetherness and shared loss.

“As we bury Gwanzura, we must take with us the lessons, love, and legacy of the departed boss, carrying his memory forward in our hearts and actions,” said the Seventh- Day – Adventist pastor.

Gwanzura close friend, Leslie Tinashe “Skilo” Chipunza said his friend died in his prime.

“He was still young, at an age where one is expected to contribute his best in maturity stage. We grieve over his very sad and untimely demise.

“My heart remains broken, as I still haven’t come to terms with his demise. I’m still in shock that Leroy is gone,” said Chipunza.

He added, “He was meticulous, very observant, professional, and very disciplined. It was not business as usual for him. ”

Speaking on behalf of Fossil Contracting, the company Finance manager, Charles Mutasa said Gwanzura’s untimely demise was everyone’s loss.

“Above the silence of this place, I hear intermittent sobs.

“This is not a loss to the Gwanzura family only.The company, the community, and the nation has lost a hardworking young man. We are all stricken with grief and deep grief at this sad loss. Far more so, Amai Gwanzura, wife of the late Manager and her children, have been left in the lurch, and profound grief overcomes them.

“On behalf of the entire Fossil leadership and on my own behalf, I want to console the Gwanzura family on this great loss,” said Mr Mutasa.

“While ensuring that the proper things were done properly, he would pause and listen to you to address individual challenges. It was very difficult to notice he was our boss because there was no barrier between him and us,” said a gentleman only identified as Simba.

“Very approachable. A hero who did not like to take credit for the excellent job done. Always in the shadows, allowing things to flow,” added Simba.

“He was quick to applaud you but will be the first to query and discipline you when you drift. I fondly recall one scorching afternoon on one of our project he called me into his car and commended me, advised, and urged me on. He extended this love, courtesy and professionalism to all he worked with,” said the driver who preferred to be anonymous.

“It was only weeks ago. I called my late boss to share my good news, although it was not work related. I would call sometimes to check up on him and update him about my progress. He was very excited to hear from me and cheered me on.

“I have lost a mentor. We have lost a silent hero among pantheons. We have lost a good and hard work leader,” said another workmate.

Government representatives, senior Seventh-Day-Adventist (SDA) Church pastors, Traditional Chiefs, and Gweru community leaders where also in attendances.

Gwanzura was buried in Gweru at Mutapa cemetery last Thursday.

Fossil Contracting Company is a Zimbabwean-based construction and engineering firm.

The company offers a range of services, including civil engineering, building construction, road construction, and bridge construction, among many others.

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