
Mashwede founder Mashamanda builds school in Chivi

Chivi- MASHWEDE Holdings founder Alex Mashamhanda has partnered with Chivi Rural District council and some community members to build a school in his home area of Chivi, Express Mail Zim can report.

The school is called Mhandamambwe primary and was officially opened Saturday at an event that Mashamanda graced.

Mashayamanda was born in Chivi and he commands a business empire that employs over 600 people.

He has embarked on several philanthropic works including offering scholarships and drilling boreholes in his home area.

He is a Trustee at Falcon Golf Club in Hatfield, a place he frequents every weekend.

Mashamhanda is also known for his US$850 000 mansion at his rural home in Chivi.

The mansion is 3-storey, has 7 en suite bedrooms, and more than 4 balconies, amongst other features.

The 72- year old studied Local Governance at Domboshava Training Centre.

He started off working in banking, initially at Barclays Bank.

Afterwards, he worked at Zimbank, at one point becoming a branch manager.

His business journey started with him launching M&H Educational Supplies around the 90s.

After leaving Zimbank he started focusing full-time on M&H Educational Supplies.

He also started a shop business in Mutoko at Suswe Business Centre.

From then on, his business interests grew exponentially.

Things grew to a point where he sponsored the M&H National Under 17 soccer tournaments from 1997 to 2011.

He has been instrumental over the years in giving back to communities. In Sese, he has bankrolled several initiatives like electrification, irrigation, and several others.

Mashwede Holdings availed US$150 000 that was used to connect water and electricity for 3 schools in Sese. These are Danhamombe High, St Simon Zhara Primary, and Chikore Primary.

They also connected water to over 20 houses in his rural home area.

He prefers driving a Honda Fit arguing that it’s a fuel saver .

“A car is just a mode of transport,” he said.

The name Mashwede was coined through joining his father’s name Mashamanda and grandfather’s name Hwede.

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