
Mambo Chivero ‘ressurects’ mbira music

Harare- MBIRA music genre has been on deathbed since Chiwoniso Maraire ‘s demise and Hope Masike’s dormant state.

However, this dearth has been filled by the rise of Canada based crooner Osman Gambiza who is better known by his moniker Mambo Chivero.

The Afro-traditional musician started playing the mbira instrument at the age of six and he recently released a 10-track album titled Mavambo- the beginning and he believes he has what it takes to carry the mbira music to dizzy heights.

The album is laden with deep lyrics that connects the listener to the motherland and most of the tracks have been on rotation on local radio stations.

“Mbira instrument is a part of our history and it was used in the fight against colonialism and I fell in love with it.

“When I hold a mbira in my hands, my creative eyes are open and lyrics flow easily.

“I would say mbira is more like my auto-tune.

“Most of my inspiration comes from all genres of music.

“However, listening to artiste such as Dr Thomas Mapfumo, Oliver Mtukudzi, the late Zexie Manatsa, Leonard Dembo among others grew my passion and moulded my music acumen.

“On the international scene I idolise Salif Keita and Bob Marley plus many more talented artistes throughout our beautiful continent Africa.

“Bottomline, music is my lifeline and I am happy to play my part in this sector, ” he said.

The 43-year old musician has had a turbulent upbringing and is the only boy in a family of seven.

” I grew under a military style discipline as my dad was a top cop and no-nonsense guy,” he said.

“At the age of six years, I was taught to play the mbira by my uncle and since then I fell in love with the instrument.

“Even-though I loved the instrument and wanted to spend all my time playing it; my father would emphasise that I must focus on obtaining a good education.

“My father had his own mbiras in the house; however, they were not assessable to me which piqued interest even more.

“So, whenever, my dad was away I would hide and play his instrument and when he found out I would be in big trouble.

“I am, however, grateful that the emphasis on education gave me a good launchpad to life,” narrated Mambo Chivero. He is married to a Jamaican national who also shares the same music passion.

He has plans to relocate to the country and invest in the genre to promote like-minded musicians.

He is employed in the energy sector and wants to plough back to the local music industry with bias towards the mbira genre.

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