
Lifestyle: Cake-maker Joyce Chisvo ‘ices’ her ‘fourth floor’ birthday in style

Her company offers cake making and training services, luckily Mai Mnangagwa has promoted equal opportunities for women as part of her inclusive development drive

Harare- YOUTHFUL female entrepreneur Joyce Chisvo who is founder of Deelees Cakes celebrated her 41st birthday this week and Express Mail Zim decided to highlight her in our vision to celebrate young female entrepreneurs in line with First Lady Mai Mnangagwa’s vision of promoting young women.

Mai Mnangagwa has initiated several women empowerment projects, including a programme aimed at empowering women at the grassroots level

She has promoted equal opportunities for women as part of his inclusive development drive and the likes of Joyce Chisvo are case studies who still need support from the corporate world to complemt the First Lady’s gospel of Empowerment of young women.

Her company offers cake making lessons and catering services.

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