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Justice Cheda gags media on Harare City Council finance director Kusangaya testimony before commision of inquiry

Kusangaya made startling revelations that nearly 50% of Harare’s revenue is going towards salaries against a Government directive that only 30% be allocated for that.

Harare – The chairperson of the Commission of Inquiry into the running of Harare City Council, retired Justice Maphios Cheda this week temporarily removed the media and members of the public from the hearings to allow council finance director, Godfrey Kusangaya to testify sensitive information after he had refused to give information in fear of his safety.

Kusangaya made startling revelations that nearly 50% of Harare’s revenue is going towards salaries against a Government directive that only 30% be allocated for that.

Kusangaya, the chief finance advisor of the City of Harare testified twice on Monday at different intervals where he faced difficult questions from the lead evidence leaders that included Thabani Mpofu.

Kusangaya in his testimony that was open to the public said he was not given a chance to advice bad council decisions such as the running down of Rufaro Marketing and Harare Quarry.

He said the majority of such decisions came from council resolutions and the business committee of the city council.

Kusangaya was asked by Mpofu what he thinks were the problems at Harare City Council to which he answered saying: “It is the power dynamics at Town House.”
Further probed to give more information Kusangaya said the council management receives directives from councillors through council resolutions adding some of the directives are questionable.

After he was further quizzed to give details and names of the people who give such directives, Kusangaya could only say “it is difficult.”

This then forced Justice Cheda to make an order to remove the media and members of the public to allow Kusangaya to give information to the Commission in confidence.
“I have powers to make such an order,” Cheda said before the media and members of the public were asked to excuse themselves.

Kusangaya’s testimony ended after 7 P.M on Monday night.

Kusangaya earlier in the day said Harare City Council generates about $200 million in revenue every month but the city is failing to collect refuse, supply water and perform other duties expected by residents.

Earlier in the day Rufaro Marketing operations manager, Nyasha Valentine Jongwe testified before the Commission and was quizzed about Sherwood Golf Club that has been run down by tenant Briggs Bomba.
City Council principal Estate Officer, Peter Dube had a torrid time before the Commission as he said his office does not have a consolidated asset register of council properties.
Dube said council has about 2116 properties that included industrial, commercial, institutional and recreational.
Dube was also quizzed about the selling of council properties for a song during his tenure when some of the properties where sold in RTGS.

Dube said he did not know who was occupying Sherwood Golf Club this was after he was asked by the evidence leaders that an activist Briggs Bomba was allegedly running a night club on the property that has seen the golf course in a sorry state and being invaded.
“The golf course is delapidated, a night club is run at the premises. The Vapostori have invaded the golf course and the golf club house is now a haven of prostitution and other social ills,” the Commission of Inquiry evidence leaders said to Dube.

Harare 1:Harare Mayor Jacob Mafume

Dube denied knowledge that such activities were taking place at Sherwood Golf course and club house.

The Commission of Inquiry into the running of Harare City Council continues this week.

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