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Judicial capture: Top cop Zimbwa barks instructions to High Court judge in rival’s unfair eviction

Harare- TOP cop Innocent Zimbwa stands accused of flexing his muscles and abusing office to shut down a popular watering hole in central Harare,Express Mail Zim has heard.

Zimbwa has a top rank as assistant commissioner medical within the Zimbabwe Republic Police and is also a medical practitioner running a 24 hour facility within the vicinity of the city bar.

The bar owner is youthful businessman Dunmore Mambondiani and Zimbwa allegedly armtwisted High Court judge Never Katiyo to abruptly effect an eviction order and shut down the bar.

Madhadha Liquor Store is located along Central Avenue and Zimbwa alleges that the watering hole is affecting his medical facility.

The unbalanced legal battle has resulted in whistleblowers exposing illegal and unethical practisces at the medical facility.

” The health council is probing reports of illegal abortions at that facility.
“He is abusing his position within the police and wants to make sure that Madhadha is closed so that he can do his illegal abortions without too many eyes,” said a source.

According to sources within the Judiciary Services Commission (JSC), money Has been exchanging hands to influence the eviction order.

“The matter was hurriedly heard and a judgement was passed immediately. It smacks of corruption. “Zimbwa paid the judge and used his police position to get the order. It was not an impartial hearing because,” said a source within the JSC.

“He (Zimbwa) went to the Liquor Board but still failed to shut down the place.

Lately, Madhadha has invaded the hospitality and entertainment space with several joints dotted accross the capital city.

Under Zimbabwe’s 1977 Termination of Pregnancy Act, abortion is only legally permitted under certain circumstances. If conducted illegally, it carries a penalty of up to five years in jail and or a fine.

Yet many women, and even minors like 16-year olds allegedly flock Zimbwa’s surgery seeking to terminate pregnancies illegally.

Some of the people, sources said are commercial sex workers and want the procedure done smoothly.

Backyard abortion facilities are often run by unlicensed midwifes and deregistered medical practitioners and carry the risk of severe complications.

This puts Zimbwa, a registered medical practioner on spotlight as to why he would be running the procedures illegally.

Four out of 10 women who undergo abortions in Zimbabwe experience such complications, including hemorrhages or infection, with some even dying in the process, according to a survey of health professionals.

“Illegal abortions in Zimbabwe have increased from 60,000 to 80,000 per annum — which is very unsustainable.

Poverty has also seen many underage girls resorting to abortion which is popularly known as “deleting” in the streets.

The maternal mortality rate in Zimbabwe currently stands at 614 deaths per 100,000 live births, one of the highest worldwide, according to the UN Population Fund (UNFPA).

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