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Jacob Ngarivhume faces renewed persecution for organizing Anti-Corruption Protest

HARARE- Despite facing repeated incarcerations and stringent bail conditions, Transform Zimbabwe leader Jacob Ngarivhume remains undeterred in his fight against corruption and injustice. On November 24, 2023, Ngarivhume will face another chapter in his quest for justice and freedom when he appears in the High Court.

Ngarivhume has been a vocal critic of the Second Republic, calling out corruption and defending human rights. His activism has come at a price, as he has been repeatedly targeted by the authorities. In 2020, he was arrested for organizing a national anti-corruption demonstration. Since then, he has been subjected to multiple incarcerations and stringent bail conditions.

Despite these challenges, Ngarivhume’s spirit remains unbroken. His time in prison has only strengthened his resolve to fight for a better Zimbabwe. From behind bars, he has continued to pen letters calling for an end to corruption and urging Zimbabweans to unite for change.

Ngarivhume’s case is just one example of the many ways in which the Second Republic is stifling dissent and silencing its critics. His ongoing persecution serves as a stark reminder of the dangers facing those who dare to speak out against corruption and injustice.

As Zimbabweans, we must stand together and demand an end to this climate of fear and intimidation. We must raise our voices, offer applause, pray fervently, and attend court sessions to demonstrate our commitment to ending this cycle of misery.

Zimbabwe deserves better. We deserve a country where corruption is eradicated, where human rights are respected, and where everyone has the right to speak out without fear of reprisal.

Together, we can transform Zimbabwe into the country it is meant to be.

Party Spokesperson Mike Mureyani’s Comments:

“We are deeply concerned about the ongoing persecution of Jacob Ngarivhume. He is a fearless advocate for justice and a true champion of the Zimbabwean people. The authorities must stop targeting him and allow him to freely exercise his right to dissent.”

“Ngarivhume’s case is a clear indication that the Second Republic is not interested in democracy or human rights. They are only interested in silencing their critics and maintaining their grip on power.”

“We call on all Zimbabweans to stand up against this injustice. We must unite and demand an end to the persecution of Jacob Ngarivhume and all other political prisoners.”

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