
Israeli prisons are worse than Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib

Story by Desire Tshuma

Ambassador of the state of Palestine, Dr Tamer Almassri is appalled by human rights violations against Palestinian prisoners, women and girls who are exposed to all forms of torture in Israeli detention centres and prisons which are regarded as worse than the Guantanamo bay.

Palestinian detainees from Gaza and west bank are subject to brutal murders and torture at the hands of Israeli military forces. Over 3300 in Gaza have been kidnapped into unknown prison locations while more than 9,000 Palestinians, including 300 women and 635 minors, from the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem have been arrested. Detainees are kept in extremely harsh conditions, such as confined places resembling chicken cages, without food or water for long periods of time and endure severe forms of torture and beatings to extract confessions.

Over 27 Palestinian detainees from Gaza died during interrogation due to torture or the denial of medical treatment. Israel kidnapped dozens of the bodies for martyrs and returned them without other body parts like kidneys, hearts, skins suggesting that Israel maybe involved in sale of human organs.

The occupation authorities also continue to escalate from the policy of detaining journalists to threats and field assaults, detention and persecution, in light of the continuing war of genocide against our people in Gaza. About 80 journalists have been arrested and over 144 journalists have been killed.

Similarly, Palestinian women and girls in Gaza are subject to extrajudicial executions, threatened with rape, starved, denied healthcare and humiliated by denigrating words by Israeli interrogators to force them to confess to charges levelled against them.

The state of Palestine reminds the Government of Israel of its obligation to uphold the right to life, safety, health, and dignity of Palestinian women and girls and to ensure that no one is subjected to violence, torture, ill-treatment or degrading treatment, including sexual violence.

Meanwhile, the Israeli occupation forces committed seven massacres against families in the Gaza Strip over the past 24 hours, resulting in the tragic killing of 71 Palestinians and leaving 182 others injured, according to medical reports. The documented death toll from the Israeli onslaught since the genocide war began has risen to 36,550 with an additional 82,959 individuals sustaining injuries. The Israeli occupying power continue to use starvation as a means of war against 2.2 million Palestinians in Gaza with several deaths recorded.

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