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Human rights defender Kuvheya amplifies calls for land barons arrest, women empowerment

By Philemon Jambaya

Chitungwiza- THE director of Chitungwiza Residents Trust (CHITREST) Alice Kuveya has amplified her calls for the arrest of land barons who have invaded the dormitory town.

“We call upon for the arrest of land barons in Chitungwiza, these guys have caused a lot of suffering to the people,” said Kuvheya.

The fearless human rights defender has also advocated better working conditions within the council and the dormitory town’s fathers have taken heed.

She however noted that service delivery was the major priority ahead of huge perks.

Her relentless efforts of justice has seen her being a guest of the State and was arrested and suffered lasting injuries after spending a week in custody.

The arrest and arbitrary detention contributed to her father’s demise after facing the traumatic experiences she was exposed to.

In her decorated career, she has successfully trained 160 Women on Leadership Qualities In Seke.

At the peak of the Covid 19 pandemic, she embarked on awareness campaigns in all twenty-five wards and also emerged a victor at the water provision case at the High Court.

Her philanthropic work includes disbursement of 500 food hampers to residents in the dormitory town and preservation of wetlands campaign.

She has a bias towards women empowerment and has distributed sanitary pads to more than 100 women.

Recently, she championed breast cancer awareness in line with the world commemoration of same.

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