
How to attract the Heart of God (The End)

Honest Mundondo

As we continue to learn from the word of God, our last discussion on this topic has enlightened us of certain characteristics and instructions that are fundamental in building a firm and stronger relationship with God.

God has set perfect examples through certain individuals in the Bible and the exact things we should apply in our lives so as to attract his blessings.

The people from the Bible were just humans like us and some of them did not live a righteous life as we assume but still they had a way to convince the heart of God and his attention.

Today we focus again on such individuals and certain characteristics that may have caused them to attract the heart of God;

Lets talk about Job;
The bible says, Job was an upright Man of Integrity.
Most people lack integrity. They can not easily accept their wrong doings. They take advantage of certain situations to make others feel uncomfortable but for their benefit.

A person of Integrity takes responsibility. They are concerned about other people’s feelings and wellbeing. These people are ready to help others without conditions or any physical benefits.

A person of Integrity is Honest. They have genuine intentions to anything they do or say to others. Like Job, they dont do bad, they dont have bad thoughts about others and they dont manipulate people for their personal glory.

If you have integrity it means You can not Judge. There are people who just HATE because they have been told falsely about others. Their hate is based on opinions and they can not allow themselves to find facts and to know the personality and character of others.

Job was a worshipper.
Worship can help you attract God’s Heart but most people are relaxed when things are good. They can only realise and seek Gods attention when they face challenges.

When Job heard about the calamities and what had happened to his children and servants, The bibles says, (Job 1:20)…”he got up and ripped apart his garment and cut his hair and fell on the ground and worshipped God.”

In the old testament, this action was a sign of humility. Job was still humble even when he had lost everything he had.

Most of us can not show humility even if they are rich or poor.
Humility can even be shown before things start to moving in your life and it can also be shown if you have everything.

Humility is not taking control or credit over everything.
Humility is power under control.
Humility is power to have a teachable character’.
Humility is power to learn from others
Humility is knowing when to respond and attend to issues.
Humility is power to know that we are all equal in the eyes of God.
Once you are humble, you can attract God’s heart.

Prayer is one of the greatest tool to Gods heart. Prayer allows fellowship and interaction between You and God but most people are not consistent.

Hannah was not even fasting when she prayed to God for her to have a child. (1 Samuel 1:9)”…Then Hannah got up after they had finished eating,” but her prayer was intensive and it carried so much weight that it took God’s attention.

Her prayer was direct, she had pure intentions to her promise to God if she were to have a child, but most of us, we dont pray with the same purpose or determination, we pray for personal reasons that can not benefit the kingdom of God.

As God looked at her heart, her vow was genuine but most of us we are used to words that impress God in prayer but we forget that he also looks at the condition of your heart to also answer your prayers.

Its not about the time you spend in prayer or fasting, but its about your heart. What you ask God in prayer also determines the magnitude of the blessing you will get. Most of us we ask God selfishly, we dont allow God’s process to take place.

We want instant results, we want God to work according to our plans, yet we will be talking to a God who created and has his own separate plans for You, which you can contain and which are meant for You.

The only way we can pray is to be aligned to the plans and will of God for ourlives. Lets give God access to our lives, to our plans, to our thoughts and everything that we do for his Glory.

I urge you to maximize every opportunity In prayer. Your prayers must not be for you only, as yu create an inheritance, you must also include your family, friends and sinners to also come to Christ.

I hope this series has helped someone to be aligned with the word of God,

May God bless You and enlarge your Territories.


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